Finally, someone refusing to pretend. Yes, someone who agrees with Fascist Fauci, we should follow the science (even if he does not). In biology there are only two genders. No amount of therapy, surgery or cutting off of body parts changes your gender. Yes, as someone in the nut house is NOT Napoleon just because they think they are.
““I would use this more evolved language,” Kelly noted. “I didn’t see the harm.”
Since then, she has since realized it wasn’t harmless at all. She cited female athletes losing to or being injured by male athletes in competition; male sex offenders getting placed in women’s prisons and raping female inmates; and the procedures that are making the medical community lots of money but condemning young people to a life of infertility, leaving their bodies grotesquely mutilated. Because of this, Kelly realized she can’t participate in the charade anymore and won’t use preferred pronouns going forward.
“They say pronouns are a gateway drug. They open the door to these lies that lead to real harm to real females. They’re a clever rhetorical trick that forces you to cede the argument about women’s spaces before you’ve even spoken one word of substance,” said Kelly.
Will you join the effort to return reality and science to the language—and NOT enable folks with emotional problems?
Megyn Kelly Has an Epiphany on ‘Preferred Pronouns’

BY MATT MARGOLIS, PJ Media, 6/5/23 https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2023/06/05/megyn-kelly-has-epiphany-on-preferred-pronouns-n1700619
Megyn Kelly declared on Friday during her show that she will no longer use preferred pronouns. After years of going along with the charade because she didn’t “see the harm” in it, she’s now realized that preferred pronouns are a “gateway drug” to genital mutilation.
“I was an early proponent of using preferred pronouns as far back as the early 2000s of saying ‘she’ when I knew the truth was ‘he,’” she said. “It seemed harmless and I had no wish to cause offense. Trans people were tortured enough, it seemed to me, by nature of their dysphoria and society’s disdain for them in general. So I complied. I went along with it. I didn’t see the harm.”
She continued, “By 2016, we were debating bills to stop trans access to certain bathrooms, which I covered from the news desk, siding with the trans community. How does it affect our lives as women if here or there a trans person uses a stall in our bathroom? These people aren’t bothering anyone—why wouldn’t we accommodate them? I didn’t see the harm.”
She then recounted how in 2018, while working at NBC, she hosted shows discussing transgender issues. During one episode, there was a segment focused on “trans kids.” Kelly joined the audience in cheering for these kids, whom she legitimately believed at the time were embracing their true identities. She used terms like “gender-affirming care,” “cis,” and “assigned male/female at birth.” At the time, she was convinced this was harmless, and actually helpful to kids who were “suffering.”
“I would use this more evolved language,” Kelly noted. “I didn’t see the harm.”
Since then, she has since realized it wasn’t harmless at all. She cited female athletes losing to or being injured by male athletes in competition; male sex offenders getting placed in women’s prisons and raping female inmates; and the procedures that are making the medical community lots of money but condemning young people to a life of infertility, leaving their bodies grotesquely mutilated. Because of this, Kelly realized she can’t participate in the charade anymore and won’t use preferred pronouns going forward.
“They say pronouns are a gateway drug. They open the door to these lies that lead to real harm to real females. They’re a clever rhetorical trick that forces you to cede the argument about women’s spaces before you’ve even spoken one word of substance,” said Kelly. “People with genuine gender dysphoria can lobby to create their own spaces—I will support them. To create open categories in sports. I will support them. The answer, in the interim, is not: women lose. Girls get hurt. Females learn to turn off their innate sense of danger. Of fairness. Of the joy of spending time with only women.”
Kelly also said that gender-dysphoric children can wait until adulthood to “do what they want with their bodies,” because “children should not be subjected to these dangerous interventions in school or at the hands of so-called medical professionals.” She then called for facilities allowing such procedures on kids to be shut down.
“For these reasons, I have resolved to base my conversations around gender on the same tenets that already govern my life: truth and reality. I will not use preferred pronouns, a decision motivated by a growing alarm over women’s rights and the safety of children,” she continued. “I will speak to a trans person kindly and with empathy. In their presence, I will likely try to avoid pronouns altogether, as I have no wish to intentionally provoke or upset anyone. But I will not take this gateway drug anymore. Because I have a daughter. Because I am a woman—an adult human female.”
Kelly’s epiphany is a tremendous start. Protecting children from this dangerous cult is perhaps the most important social issue of the day. But why tip-toe around pronouns with men who believe themselves to be women? Even if adults can do what they want with their bodies, that’s no reason for the rest of us to be accessories in their delusions that plastic surgery and hormones actually make one change sex. Perhaps she’ll get there at some point.