Memo suggests the City of San Diego’s government is loaded with illegals

What a shock!  A city government is loaded with illegal alien employees.  Wonder if Trump or Noem know about this?  Obviously, ICE needs to go through City Hall and other government agencies in San Diego to get rid of those violating our laws.  The good news is that those positions will be open to American citizens—a good way to reduce unemployment.  Also, the Feds need to stop giving any money to San Diego till they stop promoting and supporting illegal aliens.

Of course, if San Deigo is doing this, imagine what Los Angeles and other lawless cities are doing?

Memo suggests the City of San Diego’s government is loaded with illegals

By Monica Showalter, American Thinker,  2/28/25

Has it gotten to this? Not just illegals voting in elections, but taking it to the next step.

They now lord over us as city bureaucrats — amounting to an illegals ruling class.

What else can one conclude from this City of San Diego memo to city employees about how to evade ICE enforcement?

🚨San Diego City Hall just issued a guide to its employees on how to stall, deny & stonewall @ICE Oddly, City Hall seems most worried about ICE asking about city staffers.
Are there employees working for the city illegally?
What is @MayorToddGloria trying to hide?…

— Amy Reichert (@amyforsandiego) February 17, 2025

This isn’t advice about the city’s many migrant centers, one of which is shutting down due to lack of “business.”

The references here are to city workplaces that are off limits to citizens, which are on-limits to the City’s own public employees.

Somehow, they have a lot of illegals in them, given the anticipation of ICE raids, and the National Lawyers’ Guild-type advice on how to evade them.

Why would city offices off limits to citizens somehow have illegals in them to the extent that ICE would come raiding them?

We are seeing details from this memo like this:

… and …

It’s astonishing.

It’s bad enough that they’ve become a special interest group now that their numbers have grown into the millions, taking free health care to the tune of $9 billion or more, in a state that is deep in the hole of debt.

It’s bad enough that they participate if not vote in elections and get away with it, given the extent to which many are employed as Democrat ballot harvestors and the voter rolls remain off limits to federal auditors.

It’s bad enough that they take free hotels, free flights, free food, free medical care, free education, and now free business loans, free home loans and a host of other things off limits to most citizens.

Now they’ve got jobs as city employees, with city benefits and city pensions. Sure, maybe some are employed as gardeners, but it’s quite likely that some are employed as bureaucrats, making decisions about whom to tax, whom to conduct enforcement actions on, which streets to pave and which to go third-world, whose phone call to answer and whose to ignore, and what the taxes and fees of the day will be on the citizens, without holding a scintilla of loyalty to their country, let alone their laws.

It’s like an imperial force from abroad, with citizenship lines blurred to nothing. That’s far from the only blurring we have seen in San Diego. Amy Reichert, a prominent local conservative politician who specializes in exposing the seamy underbelly of San Diego as an outsider, has noted that there is evidence that one of the contenders for a recently vacated Board of Supervisors seat seems to live in Tijuana, Mexico, not the United States.

It’s grotesque that the city seems to be all in on employing illegals, whatever the jobs they are handing them. Are they saying there are no Americans who want these positions of power?

The whole thing stinks and calls for an investigation, perhaps starting with an ICE raid. It’s bad enough that illegals claim a host of goodies from the public till that goes way beyond what the taxpayers ever get. It’s outrageous to think that they might just be running the city, too.

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