This is how women are kept from getting jobs.
“An attendee by the name of Manatha J. expressed outrage that the event was not what she expected.
“As a woman who has experienced patriarchic dominance in the tech industry, I hoped the convention would provide a fair chance for me to connect with potential employers,” she said. “A significant number of cis-men allies taking opportunities meant for women and non-binary, a concerning trend that seemed unaddressed by the event organizers.”
But organizers from Anita B — which, according to the group’s site, aims to diversify tech with women and nonbinary, er, humans — did eventually address it. And it was a real case of hating the players, not the game progressives have created.
Chief impact officer Cullen White took to the stage and called out the testosterone-filled interlopers.
“Simply put, some of you lied about your gender identity when you registered — as evidenced by the stacks and stacks of resumes you’re passing out,” he said. “You did so because you thought you could come here and take space to get a job.”
Pretenders are taking over bathrooms, sports and even trying to keep women from getting jobs. Why won’t the President, who claims to be a feminist or Kamala Harris, denounce this abuse of women?
Ideology meets reality when men pose as nonbinary to crash women’s event

By Kirsten Fleming, NY Post, 10/4/23
You didn’t have to be Miss Cleo to see this coming.
In a bid to expose more women to better careers in tech, a female-centric job fair only exposed gender ideology for the farce it is.
The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women kicked off late last month in Orlando, Florida, with recruiters from top companies like Amazon, Apple and Google.
But judging by photos and social media footage, the event looked like less of a sisterhood of STEM and more like the running of the Tri-Lambs from “Revenge of the Nerds.”
The place was simply overrun by dweeby dudes in T-shirts, khakis and giant backpacks: fellas — and I mean possessors of XY chromosomes — who gained entry by registering under the rather amorphous “nonbinary” banner.
And the ladies were livid.
“This is a space for women in tech. This is one of the few limited resources that isn’t for you. It’s for us,” said one girl in a TikTok video.
Anchal Katyalm, a software developer at Amazon, aired her grievances on LinkedIn: “It saddens me to see all those cis men attending #GHC23 and misrepresenting their gender.”
An attendee by the name of Manatha J. expressed outrage that the event was not what she expected.
“As a woman who has experienced patriarchic dominance in the tech industry, I hoped the convention would provide a fair chance for me to connect with potential employers,” she said. “A significant number of cis-men allies taking opportunities meant for women and non-binary, a concerning trend that seemed unaddressed by the event organizers.”
But organizers from Anita B — which, according to the group’s site, aims to diversify tech with women and nonbinary, er, humans — did eventually address it. And it was a real case of hating the players, not the game progressives have created.
Chief impact officer Cullen White took to the stage and called out the testosterone-filled interlopers.
“Simply put, some of you lied about your gender identity when you registered — as evidenced by the stacks and stacks of resumes you’re passing out,” he said. “You did so because you thought you could come here and take space to get a job.”
But how is this CIO to know and definitively state that what’s on their resume matches the contents of their soul? Perhaps they crafted these CVs when they were feeling a little manly. Gender is fluid, after all. It’s not his place to police who can be on that journey.
And we’ve been told over and over that men do not lie about their gender identity to gain advantages. Some women have been called canceled for even inching toward that sentiment.
But are far-left loonies really shocked to be smacked in the face by their own permissive ideology?
Yes, people will find loopholes to slip into spaces where they don’t belong. Just ask female inmates forced to share prison with violent biological men who, in some states, can simply say they are women and get to live out their incarceration with the fairer sex.
Or female athletes forced to compete against biological men with a built-in physical advantage. Or women in shelters that have been co-opted by trans women.
Around the country, some states allow children to simply alert their school of their new gender identity — without parental notification or any documentation of gender dysphoria. Voila! They are allowed into whichever sanctum they prefer, with either harmless or harmful intentions.
And much of this is built on self-identification, where one can just check a box one fancies.
If someone says they are, they are.
But if you can’t define a woman, and nonbinary is really nothing, anything and everything — and it’s all ruled by self-identification — then how do you police it?
You simply can’t.
Because under the current reality-bending system, identity is in the eye of the beholder, which removes a very important barrier.
And when many women have merely had the nerve to question this brave new world, they’ve been branded TERFs and transphobes. Now because it’s DEI-obsessed crowds with more palatable ideology, complaints about men in women’s spaces are necessary.
Regardless of the motivations from the Grace Hopper job fair’s male attendees, they did what frustrated common-sense women could not do: make progressives acknowledge the fallacy of their own constructs.
Maybe dudes do get it done. Score another one for the patriarchy.