Modern American Nazi Party/Hamas Chapter Rally at UC San Diego

San Diego really has problems.  The city is deep in deficit; Biden is important thousands of illegal aliens each week to the City.  Now we find the UC San Diego has a Nazi/Hamas chapter allowed to spew hatred and harass Jewish students.

“A crowd estimated by one observer at around 1,000 demonstrated mostly peacefully Wednesday against Israel and the war in Gaza. They also called upon the Associated Students at UC San Diego to divest from companies doing business with Israel.

Isolated incidents were reported by Prof. Shlomo Dubnov, who is on both the music and engineering faculties. “There were several harassments, threats of violence — someone raised her skateboard to face level of one of us — and one actual violent incident that was filed as a complaint to UCSD police,” Dubnov said.

Newsom is looking for the Dearborn, Michigan vote, so he is silent—yet taking money from Jews.  Shame on them and him.  Worse, shame on the UCSD Administration allowing people pronouncing Nazi policies on campus.

Large Pro-Palestinian Protest at UCSD Mostly Peaceful, But One Incident of Violence Reported

by Editor, Times, of San Diego,  3/7/24

A crowd estimated by one observer at around 1,000 demonstrated mostly peacefully Wednesday against Israel and the war in Gaza. They also called upon the Associated Students at UC San Diego to divest from companies doing business with Israel.

Isolated incidents were reported by Prof. Shlomo Dubnov, who is on both the music and engineering faculties. “There were several harassments, threats of violence — someone raised her skateboard to face level of one of us — and one actual violent incident that was filed as a complaint to UCSD police,” Dubnov said.

He said a woman was counter-protesting with an Israeli flag and a megaphone at approximately 4 p.m. when a pro-Palestinian marcher ran up to her and dumped a bottle of water on her head. While she was filing a complaint with the UCSD police, Dubnov said, the same man tackled him, bruising his ankle. “I didn’t feel it at the time, but now I do,” Dubnov said later that evening.

The demonstration was monitored by beefed-up security personnel from UC San Diego along with students wearing green neon vests and some kaffiyehs, and the San Diego Police Department.  The demonstration was organized by Students for Justice in Palestine, which claimed it had assembled the largest protest crowd on campus ever.

The protesters chanted and carried signs to advertise their political stance, but an afternoon rain thinned out their ranks as they marched around the campus.  Some of the chants were “UCSD you can’t hide; you are funding genocide;” “Hey-Ho, Hey-Ho, the Occupation Has to Go;” “Up, up with liberation, down, down with occupation;” “When the people are occupied, resistance is justified.”

Jewish students were urged by Hillel of San Diego to stay away from the demonstration and to instead enjoy the hospitality of the Hillel center off campus.  Many did so, with one observer commenting “the students at Hillel seemed quite normal and not upset by any means.”

Some anti-Israel signs read “One Holocaust does not justify another;” “Death to American imperialism;” “Israel is a terror state;” “Fuck Israel;” “Gaza will be free,” and “Anti-Zionism is not equal to antisemitism.”

Two Jewish members of the UCSD faculty, Dubnov and Rachel Millstone, a supervisor for secondary education in the Education Studies Department, had previously urged the administration to cancel the event, pointing to violence that had occurred a few days before at UC Berkeley.

In response, the campus administration released the following statement: “UC San Diego unequivocally condemns all forms of hate. As a public university, UC San Diego is required to allow access to campus and support everyone’s right to constitutionally protected free speech. We expect and encourage everyone to exercise their constitutional rights respectfully and peacefully during this student-organized demonstration.

“Violations of the law and university policy will not be tolerated and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent. We call upon all Tritons, visitors and other community members to reaffirm our commitment to embody UC San Diego’s Principles of Community in our words, actions and how we treat one another.”

After the march, Millstone, who had  joined Jewish students at the Hillel center, said it “was a mostly peaceful demonstration/ rally. I am grateful to the UC Administration for moving the AS meeting to an online format, allowing Jewish students to voice their concerns without the presence of intimidation and harassment.  I am also grateful for the abundance of security provided.  I thank our Chancellor [Predeep Khosla] and the administration for listening to our safety concerns.”

This article was written by Marsha Sutton and Donald H. Harrison with wire service contributions and originally published in San Diego Jewish World.