More than 300 teachers lacking credentials, says SFUSD

How bad are San Fran schools?  Over 300 classrooms teachers are not qualified to be in the classroom.  Maybe this explains why students are fleeing the system—so much so, 6-7 schools need to be closed

“The SFUSD said it discovered this while transitioning to a new payroll system. The district confirmed 350 teachers currently do not have the proper credentials with the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). These teachers will not be allowed in the classroom until their credentials are updated, said officials.

For the audit, the Credentials Team said it reviewed more than 7,000 credentials held by district employees.

“SFUSD cannot allow teachers whose credentials are not in compliance to remain in the classroom,” Superintendent Dr. Matt Wayne said. “We are doing everything possible to support our employees in securing some type of credential or permit for an employee to remain in their assignment.”

The good news is that these teachers are not needed, as the schools close, fewer teachers are needed.  Want a good education in San Fran?  Try school choice!

More than 300 teachers lacking credentials, says SFUSD

by: Tor Smith, KRON,  9/27/24

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — Hundreds of teachers in San Francisco do not have active teaching credentials, according to the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD).

The SFUSD said it discovered this while transitioning to a new payroll system. The district confirmed 350 teachers currently do not have the proper credentials with the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). These teachers will not be allowed in the classroom until their credentials are updated, said officials.

For the audit, the Credentials Team said it reviewed more than 7,000 credentials held by district employees.

“SFUSD cannot allow teachers whose credentials are not in compliance to remain in the classroom,” Superintendent Dr. Matt Wayne said. “We are doing everything possible to support our employees in securing some type of credential or permit for an employee to remain in their assignment.”

SFUSD said it is working to help these teachers get recertified as quickly as possible. In the meantime, substitute teachers will be brought in to cover classrooms.

The district confirmed they are taking new steps to make sure this doesn’t happen again in the future. A new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that connects directly to the CTC will help them keep track of teacher credentials more effectively going forward.

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