Who says the Educrats are not after your children—to confuse them, to sexualize and to isolate them from their parents?
“A California school district has settled a lawsuit with a mother who sued after finding out that the school had attempted to “transition” her daughter’s gender without informing her, awarding the mother $100,000.
As reported by the Daily Caller, Jessica Konen filed the lawsuit against the Spreckels Union School District after the school recruited her sixth-grade daughter, Alicia, into its “Equality Club.” This club subsequently taught the child about so-called “transgenderism,” and actively encouraged her to “transition” into a boy, providing her advice on how to keep the process a secret from her parents.
While the district, using tax dollars, is paying a settlement, there is a bigger question. Why haven’t those involved been arrested for child endangerment, abuse, emotional distress and sexual perversion? The teacher, Principal and others should be arrested—and lose their education credential—they should not be allowed to be around any child. What do you think?
Mother Reaches $100,000 Settlement with School over Attempts to Transition her Daughter

By Eric Lendrum, American Greatness, 8/30/23 https://amgreatness.com/2023/08/30/mother-reaches-100000-settlement-with-school-over-attempts-to-transition-her-daughter/
A California school district has settled a lawsuit with a mother who sued after finding out that the school had attempted to “transition” her daughter’s gender without informing her, awarding the mother $100,000.
As reported by the Daily Caller, Jessica Konen filed the lawsuit against the Spreckels Union School District after the school recruited her sixth-grade daughter, Alicia, into its “Equality Club.” This club subsequently taught the child about so-called “transgenderism,” and actively encouraged her to “transition” into a boy, providing her advice on how to keep the process a secret from her parents.
“This is a huge win for Jessica and Alicia, and it’s also a win for parents across the country,” said the Center for American Liberty, which represented Konen, in a statement. “Increasingly, schools are pushing radical gender ideology on young students and socially transitioning vulnerable children—without parental notification or consent.”
The Konens finally found out when Jessica’s husband, Gunter, was informed of the so-called “transition” during a meeting with the middle school’s principal and another faculty member. When Jessica refused to refer to her daughter with male pronouns, the school threatened to call Child Protective Services on her
“We are thrilled to have played a role in this landmark victory, which sends a clear message that parental rights must be respected,” said Harmeet Dhillon, CEO of the Center for American Liberty. “Jessica and Alicia’s courage has inspired countless others to defend their rights against unwarranted intrusions.”
Many other schools in California and other blue states have continued to enact such policies keeping parents out of the loop when it comes to child transitions. Chico Unified School Board voted to keep such a policy back in April, despite facing a lawsuit from another concerned mother, Aurora Regino, who claims that the school secretly encouraged her daughter to transition.
I think this is a crying shame to have settlements— and not judicial opinions and case law. The groomers won with this one— no judge can cite this case.
A settlement means the lawsuit was dropped and decided “outside of court.” We need court decisions to shut this grooming practice down. Parents should have an ABSOLUTE RIGHT on decisions regarding their children.
West, you are absolutely right! These monsters are getting bolder by the minute and we need to push back harder on them. This isn’t grooming. It’s CHILD ABUSE, PLAIN AND SIMPLE! NO teacher, school board or school district, NOT EVEN THE WORTHLESS GREASER RUNNING THIS STATE has the right to ruin our children’s lives and futures with their sick perversions.