If you send your child to an LAUSD school, you are a child abuser. You know they sexualize kids at five years old. You know they have teachers creating new names and changing genders of young kids—and telling the kids NOT to tell the parents. We all know that LAUSD is a racist affiliate of the KKK_-teaching kids that one race is inferior and the other races are victims, yet superior.
Now we find that LAUSD is bribing kids to take dangerous drugs—and telling them not to tell the parents. So when the kid gets sick and you take them to the doctor, you can’t tell the doctor about the drugs given to the kids—oh, LAUSD calls them a “vaccine”.
“During a news conference Wednesday, the teen’s mother claimed her son is suffering from lingering side effects from the shot.
“He is not the same anymore. He is lacking rest. He doesn’t sleep well,” Maribel Duarte said. “He’s not normal to me.”
The lawsuit claims the 13-year-old boy, who attends Barack Obama Preparation Academy in South Los Angeles, was offered pizza to get the shot at a vaccine event.
Duarte said her son was urged to forge her signature to get the shot.
The teenager apparently suffers from asthma and a bleeding disorder, which his mother said is the reason his doctor recommended against the COVID-19 shot.”
You read that right—LAUSD gave a drug to a kid when the family doctor said not to do so. This is a criminal act. Yes, sue—but file a criminal assault case against everyone responsible for this harm done to a student.
Mother sues LAUSD claiming son was bribed to take COVID shot

by: Cindy Von Quednow, KTLA, 7/27/22
The Los Angeles Unified School District is facing a lawsuit from a family who claims a teenager was bribed into receiving a COVID-19 vaccine at a school without proper consent.
During a news conference Wednesday, the teen’s mother claimed her son is suffering from lingering side effects from the shot.
“He is not the same anymore. He is lacking rest. He doesn’t sleep well,” Maribel Duarte said. “He’s not normal to me.”
The lawsuit claims the 13-year-old boy, who attends Barack Obama Preparation Academy in South Los Angeles, was offered pizza to get the shot at a vaccine event.
Duarte said her son was urged to forge her signature to get the shot.
The teenager apparently suffers from asthma and a bleeding disorder, which his mother said is the reason his doctor recommended against the COVID-19 shot.
Duarte now claims her son’s condition has gotten worse because of the vaccine.
“This is not a conspiracy theory. This is not an anti-vax case,” Duarte’s attorney Nicole Pearson said. “This is about parental rights (and) about having the ability to protect your children.”
Pearson said she has reached out to LAUSD several times and that they have failed to respond.
A district spokesperson told KTLA that they do not comment on threatened, pending or ongoing litigation matters.