The Catholic Bishop in San Fran has banned San Fran Nan from receiving communion. Her crime? She is a leading promoter of the murder of babies and using her religion as cover for the slaughter. The Bishop had enough—the Church will not be used to promote infanticide. But Pelosi has the gonads to then say we need to do everything we can for the survival of our children—expect the black and Hispanic children. Her religion is not Catholic—it is eugenics.
“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) spoke in San Francisco at a “Wear Orange” event, where she advocated the enactment of gun-control legislation and said: “[L]et all of us do everything we can for the survival of our children.”
Yes, we need to stop the gun violence. We also need to stop the violence of Planned parenthood. Pelosi salutes the abortion industry—how sick is that? One on hand she opposes children killed by guns, on the other, she salutes organizations that kill babies.
Nancy Pelosi: ‘Let All of Us Do Everything We Can for the Survival of Our Children’

By Staff, 6/3/22 – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) spoke in San Francisco at a “Wear Orange” event, where she advocated the enactment of gun-control legislation and said: “[L]et all of us do everything we can for the survival of our children.”
“Wear Orange” is a movement to prevent gun violence.
On its website it says: “On January 21, 2013, Hadiya Pendleton marched in President Obama’s second inaugural parade. One week later, Hadiya was shot and killed on a playground in Chicago. Soon after this tragedy, Hadiya’s childhood friends decided to commemorate her life by wearing orange, the color hunters wear in the woods to protect themselves and others.
“Wear Orange began on June 2, 2015—what would have been Hadiya’s 18th birthday,” the website continues. “Since then, Wear Orange has expanded to a period of three days each year: National Gun Violence Awareness Day (the first Friday in June) and Wear Orange Weekend (the accompanying weekend). This year, Wear Orange will take place from June 3-5, 2022.
“Orange has become the defining color of the gun violence prevention movement,” it says.
In her address at the Wear Orange event, Pelosi summarized gun-control legislation that Congress is considering.
“Why do they need so many magazines and assault weapon bans and everything to go hunting? What’s that all about?’ said Pelosi.
“And we have Hailee here talking about losing her mom, Clare here talking about losing her son,” Pelosi continued. “I say to the Members of Congress–in the House, I’m very proud, we’ve passed our bills. I say to the Senators: Not one of your political survival–your political survivals of not one of you is more important than the personal survivor of America’s children and their families, and their family.”
“We can end gun violence,” Pelosi said. And as Mattie knows, because she’s heard us say it in the Capitol again and again and again, to the survivors of gun violence: We are not—we are not going to stop until the job is done. And leading the way for all of that with us is President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
“From the White House to the Capitol to San Francisco City Hall,” Pelosi said, “let all of us do everything we can for the survival of our children.”
Here is the transcript of Pelosi’s full remarks at the Wear Orange event:
“San Francisco – Speaker Nancy Pelosi joined California Moms Demand Action, United Playaz and community activists to hold a Wear Orange press event in recognition of the countless lives affected by gun violence. Below are the Speaker’s remarks:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “We do go way back, as Rudy’s been on this case for a while. And it’s an honor to be with him, United Playaz and, again, join you in acknowledging the unity of the neighborhood, the collaboration. As Hailee’s shirt said, ‘It takes a hood to save the hood.’ You’ve been telling us that for a long time, haven’t you, Rudy?
“Grandma, thank you. Thank you, thank you for taking care of precious Hailee. And Clare, thank you for your generosity of spirit to share your story. And now an art display to touch the hearts of so many of us again and again and again. Your sad loss. Imagine the courage of Clare and Hailee to share their stories, to turn their grief into action to help save other lives, but also to touch our hearts so that we take the action necessary to stop the gun violence.
“I’m very proud of San Francisco and Mayor Breed. San Francisco is the first city in the country, I believe, to do the ghost-guns legislation. And that is very, very, very important.
“I’m honored to be here with my girlfriend, Mattie Scott. You know, she has been our teacher over–over time, taking her sad experience and turning it into action. So effective was she that–the Member of Congress has one person that they appoint to the Electoral College to vote for President of the United States. From our district, from your district here, the Twelfth Congressional District of San Francisco, our member of the Electoral College to vote for Joe Biden is Maddie Scott.
“We thought it was very important to have a champion of gun violence prevention as our voice in that place.
“And here we are. I know that this event was planned before the tragedy in Texas, but after Buffalo. So sad that it should be–so sad that another act of violence should be there.
“Let me tell you what we are doing, as we observe the first week of June, which is Gun Violence Prevention Month. Next week, Congress will take up–and actually, tomorrow, the Judiciary Committee will be marking up a bill that does the following: raise the age to buy weapons of war–which is what we call some of these guns–from 18 to 21. That age was recently reduced in Texas, and that’s why an 18 year-old was able to buy that gun.
“Restricted access to ghost guns–thank you, Mayor Breed, for being a leader in the country.
“Outlawing high-capacity magazines. Why do they need so many rounds in a magazine? Outlawing that.
“Banning bump stock sales for civilian use. Bump stock.
“And then cracking down on gun trafficking and straw purchasesand the rest, as well as advancing safe storage, so that kids in their own homes are not exposed to guns that are not safely stored.
“That’s just a few. That’s one bill marked up tomorrow. In the beginning of next week, we will have–some people don’t like it called the red flag law but it actually has another name. It’s the Extreme [Risk Protection] Order. It enables people to appeal to the courts to have an order for people who should not be having access to guns to have them. Lucy McBath has that legislation, and that will be another gun–another one will be the active shooter bill, which will be like an Amber Alert. If there’s an active shooter around, people will know, law enforcement will know. Law enforcement wants that right away. And then as we get through those, we will be having a hearing and marking up the assault weapons ban following all of that.
“So we just are trying to–trying to hit in every possible way. Of course, we want the Senate to pass the background-check legislation, which will save more lives than any of the initiatives we have. The assault–the H.R. 8 and then Mr. Clyburn’s bill for the South Carolina.
“I tell you all of these because each one of them is a place where we can save lives. Each one of them is a place where we hope to have bipartisan support to get the job done. Each one is a place where we wonder why is it take–why does it have to be this way?
“Why do they need so many magazines and assault weapon bans and everything to go hunting? What’s that all about?
“And we have Hailee here talking about losing her mom, Clare here talking about losing her son. I say to the Members of Congress–in the House, I’m very proud, we’ve passed our bills. I say to the Senators: Not one of your political survival–your political survivals of not one of you is more important than the personal survivor of America’s children and their families, and their family.
“So again, I thank my friend Rudy. I’m a big fan of his. He gives us our marching orders, right? We all know that. We all know that.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “We can end gun violence. And as Mattie knows, because she’s heard us say it in the Capitol again and again and again, to the survivors of gun violence: We are not—we are not going to stop until the job is done. And leading the way for all of that with us is President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. From the White House to the Capitol to San Francisco City Hall, let all of us do everything we can for the survival of our children. Thank you so much. …
Nancy Pelosi: “Thank you. Just for less than a minute. When I followed Hailee and Clare, it was very emotional. And there’s some things I wanted to say that I didn’t get around to. One of them is that, in the Appropriations bill for this coming season, we will have $4 million for–Rudy, where are you? There you go. For United Playaz—$4 million for your new building, for your new building from the House of Representatives. My daughter Christine is here with him. We’ve been with Mattie every year, Mother’s Day. This year—Mayor, remember we had a beautiful lunch right up until Mother’s Day to pay our sadness to moms who had lost their children? Of course, Mattie leading the way there.
“But there’s another person who isn’t here that I want to mention, who has been a real champion–and from California–and that is Senator Dianne Feinstein. She was the one who first passed the assault weapon[s] ban in the ‘90s. She still continues to make that fight. She sends you all her gratitude and best regards. She couldn’t be here. They’re still in session. But we, we just want to show our appreciation to her, because she has been the leader in that United States Senate where we need so many more votes. Thank you all very much. Thank you so much.”