Lorena Gonzales Fletcher should not be surprised—and wasn’t, when confronted with a lawsuit that her husband, Nathan Fletcher was having an affair. Lorena should remember that she met him and became his friend, while he was married.
Two points. One, why is he waiting till after his rehabilitation is completed to resign? Easy. As long as he is a Supervisor, the taxpayers are financing his treatments. Why pay for it yourself when you can get the taxpayers to finance it? Next, by staying as a Supervisor he can get the San Diego taxpayers to pay for his attorney to defend him. He is blaming his childhood, his drinking, his sexual horn dog attitude and PTSD for it. Like a Progressive Democrat that he is, he refuses to take personal responsibility for his actions.
Second, expect more lawsuits against Fletcher for sexual harassment, etc. Once one woman is brave enough to say NO, others will also find the courage to come forward.
Lastly, he went from a conservative Republican as the Political Director of the CRP, to a leading Progressive/Klan Democrat. Is it possible that he really is a conservative but the child trauma, the PTSD, the alcoholism and his sexual abandonment is the cause of his worst mental illness, being a Progressive/Klan Democrat? When his rehabilitation is over will he be sane enough to endorse DeSantis or Trump?
Nathan Fletcher, at Wife’s Urging, to Quit San Diego County Board of Supervisors

by Ken Stone, Times of San Diego, 3/30/23
Completing a sudden collapse of his political career, Nathan Fletcher late Wednesday night said he would resign from the county Board of Supervisors.
The move apparently was at the insistence of his wife, Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher.
Only four months after winning a second four-year term, the 4th District Democrat tweeted:
“The strain on my wife and family over this past week has been immense and unbearable. A combination of my personal mistakes plus false accusations has created a burden that my family shouldn’t have to bear. I will be resigning from the Board of Supervisors, effective at the end of my medical leave.”
It was only Sunday that he stunned the region by announcing he would quit his race to succeed state Sen. Toni Atkins and seek help for combat- and childhood-related PTSD, along with alcoholism.
About 10:30 p.m. Wednesday — a day that began with revelations of a lawsuit alleging he sexually harassed and battered a Metropolitan Transit System employee — Fletcher said:
“I will focus solely on getting healthy and being a good husband, father and friend. I am grateful to my constituents for the honor of serving you, my incredible team who worked tirelessly to make a real difference, and our county workers who put it all on the line for those most in need everyday.”
He concluded: “I am proud of what we accomplished together. My decision today is solely based on what is best for my family.”
His wife, the former Assembly member, tweeted, again, that she loved her husband.
“He has acknowledged his mistakes & I believe his name will be cleared of false accusations,” she wrote. “Still, I asked him to resign to lessen the strain on our family. I’m relieved he is finally getting treatment he needs. Thank you to everyone who has reached out today.”
Fellow Democrat Nora Vargas, who succeeded Fletcher as board chair, called herself “deeply disturbed” by the allegations against Fletcher and said she supported his resignation.
“We must work to create a safe environment for all the dedicated people who work in San Diego County, and I won’t accept anything less,” she tweeted.
It wasn’t immediately clear when Fletcher’s medical leave would end, but under county policy the Board of Supervisors can fill vacancies “by appointment, by calling for a special election, or by a combination of the two.”
Shane Harris, the social justice activist who earlier Wednesday called on Fletcher to resign his Board of Supervisors seat, tweeted about 11:20 p.m.:
“My prayer goes out to his family and all involved in this situation. This decision now allows San Diego County and county district four constituents the opportunity to close this chapter together and enter a new chapter filled with possibility and opportunity to meet the most vital and important needs of the people. I thank … Supervisor Fletcher for his service and wish him nothing but healing and peace.”
Meanwhile, it was reported that two Fletcher aides — policy director Emily Wier and Dr. Eric Rafla-Yuan, senior policy adviser — had resigned from his office.