Periodically I publish HEARD ON THE TOM/TOMS. I am starting a new feature, “National Socialist Party (Nazi)= Progressive/Democrat Party: Fascism Growing In America”. I will show the growing Fascist State of the National sScialist Party in America–we call them the Progressive/Democrat Party.
To call someone a “Nazi” is to call that person a member of the far-right National Socialist German Workers’ Party.. Socialism is NOT far –right—it is to the Left. The National Socialist Party was a national totalitarian Party. The Communist Party is an international Socialist force of government Party. The commonality is that both use the force of government to control.
In the United State the new National Socialist Party (Nazi) is the Progressive/Democrat Party. German Nazi’s hated Jews. The Democrat Party, historically and today, hate people of color. Both national Socialists and the Democrats Party are led by mostly white, rich ideologues who hate freedom.
On a continuing basis this column will bring evidence of the Democrat/Progressive/National Socialist Party taking away our freedoms.
Remember the Reichstag fire of February 7, 1933 was not the beginning of the Nazi movement. For years the brown shirts were bullying and harassing the community and stealing political power with phony election results and violence.
The Russian Revolution of 1917 was not the start of Communist is that nation
In the United State the Democrat Nationalist Socialist Party used COVID to close down churches, schools and businesses, force us to take dangerous drugs and to isolate ourselves from the community.
Open Borders are meant to bankrupt our nation, create a new crop of criminals and to destroy our cities.
The Democrat Party ballot corruption is so open that last week they announced, votes cast for Robert Kennedy Jr., in the New Hampshire and Iowa primaries would NOT be counted—and all his votes will go to Joe Biden. They are no longer pretending elections are honest.
In New Mexico the Governor has suspended Second Amendment rights. The criminals know that for the next month they are free to perpetrate crimes, safely. The National Socialists also took guns from honest citizens.
National Socialist Party (Nazi): Progressive/Democrat Party: Fascism Growing In America

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 9/12/23
The National Socialists do not believe in Science. They confuse feelings with biology.
Department of Education Investigating
Christopher Rufo for Civil Rights Violation
of ‘Misgendering’
Red State, by Bonchie Original Article
Posted by ladydawgfan — 9/10/2023 1:08:05 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden’s Department of Education has opened a civil rights investigation into Christopher Rufo and New College of Florida. The alleged violations cited included “misgendering” and the closing of the school’s diversity, equity, and inclusion department. Advertisement Rufo shared the news on social media and posted some of the “evidence” being used. In one example, he is accused of “misgendering” the school’s former DEI head, Yoleidy Rosario-Hernandez (a biological woman), who claims to go by fake pronouns “ze/zir.” Rufo reportedly called her a “her” and a “she.” Also in the complaint is an accusation that Rufo referred to a student who uses “they/them” pronouns as a “her,”
The German Nazi took away guns—the National Socialist Democrat Governor of New Mexico is doing the same
New Mexico Governor Declares Emergency,
‘Suspends’ Gun Rights in Shocking Move
Red State, by Bonchie Original Article
Posted by Mercedes44 — 9/9/2023 11:57:55 AM Post Reply
New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham declared a public health emergency over “gun violence” on Thursday following the death of an 11-year-old boy. On Friday, she took the unprecedented step of “suspending” gun rights in Albuquerque, the state’s largest city, with the possibility of other cities following suit. Gov. Lujan Grisham declared gun violence a public health emergency Thursday, following the murder of an 11-year-old boy on his way home from an Isotopes game Wednesday night. That case, combined with several other violent cases involving children, sparked the decision.
The German National Socialists and the Russian Communists controlled the freedom—here we have the National Socialist Democrat President using government to control information going to the public.
In the Soviet Union and China government closed the churches. In the German National Socialst government, they controlled the church.
Court Rules Biden Admin Violated First
Amendment by Improperly Influencing Tech Companies
PJ Media, by Rick Moran Original Article
Posted by Hazymac — 9/9/2023 11:52:14 AM Post Reply
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Friday that the Biden Administration likely violated the First Amendment by influencing tech companies to censor content on the coronavirus and elections. The ruling also removed restrictions “on the departments of State, Homeland Security and Health and Human Services and on agencies including the U.S. Census Bureau, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency,” according to the Washington Post. The appeals court found that those agencies and departments had not coerced social media sites to censor content. Still, this is a huge victory for free speech, and the court was specific and breathtaking in its criticisms.
In Communist China the government controlled the number of children you can have. In Germany, the children were forced to join the “Hitler Youth’. In the Soviet Union government decided your education and your work.
It’s Really Time for Parents to Move Their
Families Out of California
PJ Media, by Matt Margolis Original Article
Posted by ladydawgfan — 9/9/2023 10:39:39 PM Post Reply
If you’re a California resident and a parent, you really ought to leave the state now. On Friday, the California Assembly passed AB 957, which means that a parent who doesn’t “affirm” their child’s “gender identity” could lose custody of that child. AB 957 amends the state Family Code to include “a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity or gender expression as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child.” The bill is now headed for Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk, where he will most certainly sign it. A recent comprehensive study found that there is no medical benefit for young people to receive so-called “gender-affirming care.”
Dear Mr Stephan Frank,
I applaud your new column addition: NAZI = Pro. Dems.
NAZI Germany had their Brown Shirts, the U.S. has the Antifa. Because of Antifa and other obvious reasons, I no longer will go near cities like Portland, Seattle, LA, or San Fransewer.
Has it ever been established who is funding Antifa? I suspect that ultimately it is Soros.
Indeed, the Fascists and Nazis are on the left side of the political spectrum. It was Stalin who made up the propaganda that his former allies were the right wing. See quotes below: Many more quotes like these can be found at (many memes for the taking).
“According to the idea of the NSDAP [Nazi party], we are the German left. Nothing is more hateful to us than the right-wing national ownership block.”– Joseph Goebbels
Der Angriff (The Attack), (6 December 1931), quoted in Wolfgang Venohr’s book: Documents of German existence: 500 years of German national history 1445-1945, Athenäum Verlag, 1980, p. 291, In German: „Der Idee der NSDAP entsprechend sind wir die deutsche Linke. Nichts ist uns verhaßter als der rechtsstehende nationale Besitzbürgerblock
“It may be expected that this will be a century of authority, a century of the Left, a century of Fascism.” — Benito Mussolini
From Jane Soames’s authorized translation of Mussolini’s “The Political and Social Doctrine of Fascism,” Hogarth Press, London, (1933), p. 20
Winston Churchill has a number of quotes too:
“Fascism was the shadow or ugly child of communism… As Fascism sprang from Communism, so Nazism developed from Fascism. Thus were set on foot those kindred movements which were destined soon to plunge the world into more hideous strife, which none can say has ended with their destruction.” — Churchill.
The Second World War, Volume 1, The Gathering Storm, Mariner Books (1985), pp. 13-14. First published in 1948.
Democrats have long argued that they are the majority party and thus the “National” Party.
if Democrat = National, then
Democratic Socialism = National Socialism
Progressive/Democratic Party = fascist/Nazism
The Molotov von Ribbentrop pact in 1939, also known as the Hitler Stalin pact united the National Socialist Germans with the Soviet Socialists in dividing up Eastern Europe and starting the worst war in human history. Fascism means Mussolini modeling socialism on the western Roman Empire. Nazi modeled socialism on barbarian Aryans. Stalin took the Eastern Roman Empire as his model. All three are regressive not progressive