NBC Poll Shows Bad News for Dems, Good News for GOP and the Power of Trump

NBC Poll Shows Bad News for Dems, Good News for GOP and the Power of Trump

Is it possible that the media and Democrats have overplayed their hand?  That the Cancel Culture, abuse of power by Biden, the increasing inflation and cost of living is beginning to catch up to the polls?  Maybe the lawlessness, the opening of the borders, giving our jobs to China (which has a financial relationship with the Biden family) is finally taking hold in the mind of the public?

“According to the poll, the number of blue-collar workers who call themselves Republicans has gone up by 12 percent in the last decade. Meanwhile, blue-collar workers who identify as Democrats have dropped by eight points. The number of black and Hispanic blue-collar workers who identify as Republican has also gone up, with Hispanics up 13 percent and with black blue-collar workers up 7 percent over that same period of time. Meanwhile, the white-collar worker numbers have stayed about the same, with the GOP losing just one percent and Democrats picking that up.

A lot of that growth and change is people who came to the party under President Donald Trump because they saw the positives and changes that were happening to help the American worker. Meanwhile, when they look at the Democrats, workers see a party that doesn’t seem to care about their interests and pushes policies that would hurt them like bringing in a ton of additional workers through their immigration policies and killing energy jobs and related jobs with their climate change agenda.

Note this is a poll taken by the defenders of the Cancel Culture, NBC.  So, if they see as a problem, why do some Republicans see acting on GOP values and principles as being a bad thing?

NBC Poll Shows Bad News for Dems, Good News for GOP and the Power of Trump

By Nick Arama, RedState,  2/22/21    

There are results in from a new poll and it’s not good for Democrats.

The NBC poll confirms something that anecdotally we’ve all been seeing over the past four years.

That a significant number of blue-collar workers no longer believe that the Democratic Party is for them and they’re fleeing to the Republican Party.

According to the poll, the number of blue-collar workers who call themselves Republicans has gone up by 12 percent in the last decade. Meanwhile, blue-collar workers who identify as Democrats have dropped by eight points. The number of black and Hispanic blue-collar workers who identify as Republican has also gone up, with Hispanics up 13 percent and with black blue-collar workers up 7 percent over that same period of time. Meanwhile, the white-collar worker numbers have stayed about the same, with the GOP losing just one percent and Democrats picking that up.

A lot of that growth and change is people who came to the party under President Donald Trump because they saw the positives and changes that were happening to help the American worker. Meanwhile, when they look at the Democrats, workers see a party that doesn’t seem to care about their interests and pushes policies that would hurt them like bringing in a ton of additional workers through their immigration policies and killing energy jobs and related jobs with their climate change agenda.

But as I wrote last night, those folks came in on the heels of the policies of Trump, they’re not looking for the actions of the stalled uni-party or establishment characters. Almost half of Republicans would jump to another party if Trump created it. Just 27 percent said they would stay Republicans and the remainder were undecided. They saw under Trump how the economy could really work for them and they want it. They saw how that supercharged the energy industry and businesses, and they want it. They saw he was hearing their concerns and they want that in their government.

In other words, it’s Trump who’s had success in expanding the base of the party. So, establishment folks, take note. If you’re pushing a move away from Trump, you’re basically shooting yourself in the foot and failing to understand what voters are about and what they want. They don’t care about the tweets, they care about the policy results. If you go back to just being the uni-party that agrees with Democrats and changes nothing, then they will flee you as quick as they came. Whatever Republican lawmakers like Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) think, Trump is still very much in charge and holding sway over the party.