Nevada County CEO Makes More than State Governor

Nevada County has a population of 103,000.  California has a population of over 39 million.  But the CEO of Nevada County gets paid more than the Governor of California.  Need more information on why California is collapsing?

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County CEO Makes More than State Governor

Slingshot,Written By Sierra Thread, 1/25/24

Alison Lehman (CEO of Nevada County, California) makes more than Gavin Newsom (Governor of the State of California). Same goes for Caleb Dardick (Asst. County Executive Officer), who makes more than Eleni Kounalakis (Lieutenant Governor of California). Why are county-level executives making more than state-level executives, especially when the population of Nevada County makes up 0.3% of the population of California?

Data source: Transparent California

One thought on “Nevada County CEO Makes More than State Governor

  1. Yes, it is true and the county department heads have enormous salaries also. It is the proverbial pressure to hire capable employees when a neighboring county pays more thus pushing up the salaries – and happens all the time. It needs to stop and reasonable salaries need to paid to public employees. Did anyone look at their retirement payments – also egregious.

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