New DHS Doc Reveals It Labels Trump Supporters, Catholics As Terror Threats

The Department of Hate, known as the Department of Homeland Security (which homeland we do not know, has declared 71 million Americans who voted for Trump in 2020 as DOMESTIC TERRORISTS.  It has declared millions of American men and women who served and continue to serve in the military DOMESTIC TERRORISTS. Every Sunday millions of American go to church—they too are DOMESTIC TERRORISTS—EVEN THE MULISM—AND THOSE WHO ATTEND TEMPLE IN SATURDAY ARE DOMESTIC TERRORISTS.

In fact, per the DHS and the fascist who run it (the people that promoted more than ten million people to invade our nation in past three years) have decided a majority of American are terrorists.

“According to documents obtained by American First Legal (AFL), the DHS board called  “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group,” revealed that the Biden Administration views “a person likely to commit “domestic violent extremist” attacks with those who support former President Donald Trump, are “in the military,” or are “religious.”

If you ask researchers to dive into indicators of extremists and terrorism, they might indicate being in the military or religious. This being identified as an indicator suggests we should be more worried about these. We need the space to talk about it more honestly. There is a political backdrop to all of this. It seems that most of the Domestic Terrorism threat now comes from supporters of the former president. It is not like you want a political advantage, but people have attacked the government and its institutions for the last six years. Via the DHS documents.” 

New DHS Doc Reveals It Labels Trump Supporters, Catholics As Terror Threats

Sarah Arnold, Townhall,  6/21/24

A new report found that President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is labeling Trump supporters, and military and religious people as potential “terror threats” to the United States. 

According to documents obtained by American First Legal (AFL), the DHS board called  “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group,” revealed that the Biden Administration views “a person likely to commit “domestic violent extremist” attacks with those who support former President Donald Trump, are “in the military,” or are “religious.”

If you ask researchers to dive into indicators of extremists and terrorism, they might indicate being in the military or religious. This being identified as an indicator suggests we should be more worried about these. We need the space to talk about it more honestly. There is a political backdrop to all of this. It seems that most of the Domestic Terrorism threat now comes from supporters of the former president. It is not like you want a political advantage, but people have attacked the government and its institutions for the last six years. Via the DHS documents. 

The DHS documents cite so-called “experts” who research topics such as terrorism and fentanyl trafficking. 

“These inflammatory records reveal the inter-workings of the illegal partisan committee that we proudly stopped,” AFL Executive Director Gene Hamilton told the Daily Caller News Foundation in a statement. 


The group also revealed in a separate filing that the DHS intel group “proposed expanding DHS’s reach into local communities in an ‘ambiguous’ and ‘non-threatening’ way and contemplating ways to get teachers and mothers to report their children.” 

“All Americans should be alarmed about the contents of these records. All efforts to weaponize the federal government against political opponents of the ruling regime should be stopped,” Hamilton continued. 

Friday’s AFL’s filings are the second installment part of a larger series called #DeepStateDiaries in which they expose the corruption within the Biden Administration. 

The first installment revealed how the Biden DHS examined ways to increase its efforts to steal intelligence on Americans, including attempting to “get into local communities in a non-threatening way.” 

One thought on “New DHS Doc Reveals It Labels Trump Supporters, Catholics As Terror Threats

  1. Alejandro M. Mayoka, head of Homeland Security, was raised in Communist Cuba to believe as a communist. Under Communism in Cuba, to combat the influence of catholic beliefs, Catholics were branded as terrorists. Mayoka is just regurgitating the same rhetoric.

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