Hitler took guns from honest citizens. New Mexico Governor Grisham is taking guns form honest citizens—that is because she is a National Socialist Democrat.
“New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham made the announcement yesterday in a press conference, to resounding cheers from criminals across the state. “I just want every thief in our great state to know they have nothing to fear,” said Governor Grisham. “We’re delivering bold leadership on crime, and making a statement to the nation. That statement is this: For the next month, criminals in New Mexico can rob and assault anyone with absolute impunity.”
For one month—or more—New Mexico will be safer for criminals than even California. And, this is a nice time of year to visit that State.
New Mexico Criminals Excited To Hear No One Will Be Armed For Entire Month

BabylonBee.com, 9/9/23 https://babylonbee.com/news/new-mexico-criminals-excited-to-hear-no-one-will-be-armed-for-entire-month?utm_source=The%20Babylon%20Bee%20Newsletter&utm_medium=email
NEW MEXICO — Criminals across New Mexico were ecstatic to hear from Governor Grisham today that no one in the state would be armed for an entire month.
“Oh, sweet!” said local carjacker Jeff Diggs. “It’s so stressful wondering if your next victim could be packing. Gosh, that’s such a weight off!”
New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham made the announcement yesterday in a press conference, to resounding cheers from criminals across the state. “I just want every thief in our great state to know they have nothing to fear,” said Governor Grisham. “We’re delivering bold leadership on crime, and making a statement to the nation. That statement is this: For the next month, criminals in New Mexico can rob and assault anyone with absolute impunity.”
Organized crime rings broke out in applause and slapped high-fives, ecstatic about the news. “Man, I’m getting tears in my eyes,” said Albuquerque gangster Sean Rogers. “What a relief, knowing we’re the only ones with the guns. This is going to be amazing.”
At publishing time, Governor Grisham had announced to further cheers that she would also be taking away guns from the police.
In Disney’s upcoming reboot of 1937’s Snow White, will the Prince kiss the sleeping princess? Or will he obtain her consent first?
Hopefully, the criminals really believe this. We can take out quite a few. Make sure they come inside before you shoot them. Lol!
Your initial statement: “Hitler took guns from honest citizens.” is incorrect. The Weimar republic, lead by Hindenburg, did.
Grisham is another woke Socialist moron, ’nuff said.
i wouldn’t bet my life on them being disarmed
Great work by our garbage piece of crap, governor, gruesome, Newsom, Grissom, and I put newsom in there because she’s the same as the California governor as well. She turns criminals loose from the prisons just like Newsom the mayor here in our city won’t prosecute or do anything about criminals running loose in the streets Stealing from business people robbing people on the streets stealing cars, breaking into homes robbing people at gunpoint in this lunatic, communist governor wants to take our guns away from us so we can protect ourselves while we’re out and about legalized citizens we’re just trying to protect ourselves from these lunatics . She has all the people in her staff protected. She is protected the mayors protected by gun toting people but yet we can’t protect ourselves time to throw them in jail, along with all the thieves along with the so-called pedophile president of the USA who’s getting bribes from China Russia and whoever else is run this country into the crap hole a few years back while Trump was president. I was paying a dollar a gallon for diesel that’s right a dollar a gallon for diesel in the state in the city now I’m paying over four dollars a gallon with biden , that’s Biden nom-mix as he put it he can shove it where the sun don’t shine go back to where it was before he broke it. Anyway, I’m done with my rant, American shove it. Also, the governor can shove and also end of rant. New Mexico is just like California.
Ah because a Gov. doesn’t like the Constitution she will state it does not have the rule of law.
Love it when she states every thing is fluid……
Fluid dynamics might work in braking……does hold water (get it) governing the nation.
And you vote Dem. why?
The only fluid dynamics that is present is the Oral Diarrhea coming from these so called elected officials.
“Plans against violence are forgotten after the first blow”. That can not happen too soon with these delusional moral midgets.
Newsflash…”Evil Exists, for it to prevail, all it takes is for good men to do nothing”.