New report: Trucking industry firm finds a transition to ‘electric’ semis hikes operating costs as much as 114%

Gavin Newsom knows how to create inflation and make California products unaffordable.

“Now, the cost-of-living crisis is already a debilitating burden for countless Americans, but as bad as it is now, it’s fixing to get a whole lot worse if the forced transition to electric vehicles continues; those mandates and regulations don’t just apply to personal vehicles, but also the 18-wheelers that transport so much of what we consumers buy.

Because…according to a new report out from Ryder, a leading trucking industry firm, “transitioning” these diesel trucks to electric semis raises operating costs by as much as 114%.”

All electric trucks mean more time recharging and a doubling of transportation costs .  Permanent inflation.

New report: Trucking industry firm finds a transition to ‘electric’ semis hikes operating costs as much as 114%

By Olivia Murray, American Thinker,  5/13/24

What would it look like for you and your family to pay even more than what you’re already paying at the grocery store check-out line? (Grocery prices have increased more than 30% since Joe Biden took office.) What about at the gas pump? Anything you buy online that is then shipped to your home?

Now, the cost-of-living crisis is already a debilitating burden for countless Americans, but as bad as it is now, it’s fixing to get a whole lot worse if the forced transition to electric vehicles continues; those mandates and regulations don’t just apply to personal vehicles, but also the 18-wheelers that transport so much of what we consumers buy.

Because…according to a new report out from Ryder, a leading trucking industry firm, “transitioning” these diesel trucks to electric semis raises operating costs by as much as 114%. Here’s the story, from an analysis by Naveen Athrappully at The Epoch Times:

Transitioning Fleet Trucks to Electric Raises Costs Up to 114 Percent, Report Warns

Mandating EV trucks in today’s market leads to even ‘more supply chain disruptions,’ said an industry expert.

Florida-based Ryder analyzed the cost of transportation if internal combustion engine (ICE) trucks are converted to EVs. There was a five percent cost increase for light-duty EVs, which jumps to 94–114 percent for heavy-duty trucks, the May 8 report said. For a fleet of 25 mixed vehicles—light, medium, and heavy-duty trucks—costs surge by 56–67 percent.

As transportation costs have a direct bearing on the price of goods sold in markets across the country, Ryder estimates such increases to eventually add around 0.5-1 percent to overall price inflation in the economy.

(For a day-in-the-life report on what it’s like to be a truck driver of an electric semi, click here.)

But let me guess, if, or when, that price increase comes, Biden will just say it’s the “corporate greed” (never mind that those corporations overwhelmingly throw their financial support behind Democrat politicians…like Biden), or shrinkflation, or a decrease from the “9%” he thinks it was when he took office (it wasn’t).

The support for a forced transition to “electric” semi fleets by certain members of the voting class is one of the stranger experiences of my life, because it’s a very surreal “I don’t get what they don’t get” kind of phenomenon—it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that increased costs in the trucking-transport industry obviously get passed on to us as consumers, because energy and freight costs compound the cost of everything.

It is always such a joke to hear Joe Biden (and the mockingbird media) say that he cares about the poor and the middle classes, and that he is working hard to lower costs—every one of Biden’s supposed “green” policies, especially ones that wage war on the very energy that makes the world go ‘round (oil), substantially raises costs, which disproportionately harms the poor and middle classes, and we’re already buckling under the weight of what we’ve endured thus far.

Over 50% of Americans can’t afford a $1,000 emergency, but Democrats, like Biden, are working hard to make sure we’re on the hook to fork over huge chunks of cash to convert our cars and appliances to “go green.”

So what does this mean for you and me as the consumer?

Simply put, expect a whole new level of “broke.”

Hat tip: Jack Hellner.