Newsom accelerated the economic decline of California with excessive lockdowns

In the past year California taxes have continued to go up.  The official report is that 35.9% of small businesses have permanently closed.  Churches and schools have been closed, as have child care centers, movie houses, sporting events and theme parks.  Due to the Guv being scared, we are only saved, as a State, from bankruptcy is Federal tax dollars—which have to be created out of thin air.

“Hiltzik made no mention of studies that contradict the ones he cited about the efficacy of lockdowns in saving lives. The idea that lockdowns were some foolproof way to protect people doesn’t hold up given how close the death rate per 100,000 people was between California (29th most), Florida (27th), and Texas (25th). Others states that imposed strict lockdowns fared far worse: New Jersey had the highest death rate. Michigan was 13th.

But the economic damage is clear to anyone who looks for it. Newsom’s decision to ban outdoor dining, which was understood to be ridiculous at the time, had real-life effects. Nearly one-third of California restaurants closed permanently during the pandemic. Two-thirds of California restaurant workers lost their job at least temporarily.

California still stands out for its lockdown failures. While Florida sits in the middle of the pack in unemployment, California has the second-highest. The state couldn’t manage that crisis properly either, paying out at least $31 billion in unemployment funds to scammers.

The El Segundo Times (formerly L.A. Times) continues to scam the California public with fake news and misinformation.  No wonder the Times is the number one choice for the bottom of bird cages.

Newsom accelerated the economic decline of California with excessive lockdowns

by Zachary Faria,  Washington Examiner,   5/23/21     

The strict lockdowns pushed by California Gov. Gavin Newsom may or may not have saved lives. But there is no denying that they were devastating to the livelihoods of California residents.

Los Angeles Times columnist Michael Hiltzik saw it differently. Proving that they really will give a Pulitzer Prize to anybody, Hiltzik maintains that data shows lockdowns didn’t cause much economic damage and that they undoubtedly saved lives. Therefore, the successes of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis were a myth all along, while the criticism of Newsom is illegitimate.

Hiltzik made no mention of studies that contradict the ones he cited about the efficacy of lockdowns in saving lives. The idea that lockdowns were some foolproof way to protect people doesn’t hold up given how close the death rate per 100,000 people was between California (29th most), Florida (27th), and Texas (25th). Others states that imposed strict lockdowns fared far worse: New Jersey had the highest death rate. Michigan was 13th.

But the economic damage is clear to anyone who looks for it. Newsom’s decision to ban outdoor dining, which was understood to be ridiculous at the time, had real-life effects. Nearly one-third of California restaurants closed permanently during the pandemic. Two-thirds of California restaurant workers lost their job at least temporarily.

California still stands out for its lockdown failures. While Florida sits in the middle of the pack in unemployment, California has the second-highest. The state couldn’t manage that crisis properly either, paying out at least $31 billion in unemployment funds to scammers.

Newsom’s lockdown orders were arbitrary and rarely backed by science. He shut down outdoor dining but gave exemptions to California’s entertainment industry. He has set June 15 as the date to lift restrictions, as if it were a day anointed by the science as being safe. According to the state Senate’s Special Committee on Pandemic Emergency Response, restaurants are still struggling under capacity limits, though they will have to sit for another month.

And worst of all, Newsom handed down these restrictions while openly flouting them to attend the birthday dinner of a lobbyist. Strict lockdowns for thee, upscale French restaurants for me.

Newsom accelerated the exodus of businesses and residents that had been taking place, leading to California losing a House seat in the census for the first time in its history. Newsom reflexively imposing excessive restrictions on California residents, all while ignoring them himself and adding carve-outs for his friends in Hollywood, sped up the economic decay that harmed everyday Californians the most.