Gavin Newsom is the most openly racist Governor in America since George Wallace. Even the kidnapping of children and the State response is based on race—NOT the safety of the child.
“”We’ve designed this to separate them from the rest of the populace,” Newsom said in his announcement. “While we want to have a way to send out urgent alerts to everyone when a child is in danger or abducted, we thought it would be best to keep the alerts separate based on the color of the child’s skin. This new ‘Ebony Alert’ system will mobilize task forces statewide to launch a search that is approximately three-fifths as strong and focused as a search for a missing white child.”
His record is proof that he is willing to carry on the traditions of the historic racist Party in America—the Democrats. Gavin is working hard to be included in the Democrat Party Racist Hall of Fame along with Faubus, Ross Barnett and George Wallace in the KKK wing.
Newsom Assures New Phone Alert System For Black People Will Be ‘Separate But Equal’, 10/13/23
SACRAMENTO, CA — As part of a new initiative to provide public services to minority groups in need, California Governor Gavin Newsom has promised the state’s new “Ebony Alert” system for black people will be “separate but equal.”
“We’ve designed this to separate them from the rest of the populace,” Newsom said in his announcement. “While we want to have a way to send out urgent alerts to everyone when a child is in danger or abducted, we thought it would be best to keep the alerts separate based on the color of the child’s skin. This new ‘Ebony Alert’ system will mobilize task forces statewide to launch a search that is approximately three-fifths as strong and focused as a search for a missing white child.”
Sources within the governor’s office said that if things go well with the “Ebony Alert,” the state will expand this initiative in other ways, such as creating separate bathrooms, water fountains, restaurant dining areas, and even schools set aside specifically for black children.
Newsom staunchly defended the decision. “Nothing says ‘let’s all be united’ like dividing everyone into separate groups,’ the governor said. “The first step in creating one, united California is to make sure everything is completely divided according to race.”
At publishing time, Newsom had announced the alert systems will now provide cell phone users with helpful information such as what the missing children’s grades are in school, as well as how adorable they are on a scale of 1 to 10.
Wow. This had me going for for a good 35 seconds. Just long enough to get my heart rate rate up to 120.
Makes me wonder how Black Americans can ever get out from under Democrat mind control. If I was President, I would encourage all Americans- not just blacks, to join the Committee To Unleash Prosperity.
F**** UP minds…. great isn’t it!!!! You’d think people would like to work and contribute to their own existence and create a descent society….. oh, no…. let’s sit back and collect the taxpayers dollars to exist.
Nuisance – you have JUST proved you’re a racist idiot!!!!! WTH is the matter with you??? Do you have ANY sense in that part of your anatomy called a brain – too much hair gel, eh???? We made SOOOOoo much progress in race relations – and you and your fellow idiotic Dims (including your auntie) have set things back to the early 1900’s and turned things upside down!!!!! What a full-blown idiot you are!!!!! Ha ha – and YOU wanna be Pres!!!! I am telling EVERYONE how you’re destroying CA!!!! Screw you and your idiotic ideas!!!!!