My good friend, and regular contributor to the California Political News and Views Dr. Ronald Stein sent me the note below.
The bottom line is that Newsom is going to force you to buy a very expensive electric vehicle—then when he has you hooked like a heroin addict, he will cut off your blood—in this case, your ability to CHARGE your car.
To make sure you can’t recharge, the UK forces the utility to keep separate the bill for your home electricity and your car electricity. In that way, it makes it easier to cut you off—worse, it makes it easier for the government to raise the cost of recharging, till you can no longer afford to recharge your EV.
The bottom line is that the UK is the model to be used by Newsom and the Democrats to end the use of cars in California—except by the very rich.
What do you call a government that takes your care away from you—and keeps it for the elite? A Fascist government. Step by step in every sector of our lives, Sacramento is taking control.
Newsom Electric Vehicle SCAM Exposed—Rationing Electricity

Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 9/19/22
“We have all read about the concerns toward “grid stability” to be able to charge those EV batteries. Well, the UK may have given the world a heads-up on why electricity rates may be rising in perpetuity.
In the UK, their concerns for grid stability with fewer and fewer continuous uninterruptible power generations facilities has implemented regulations that went into force in June 2022, that restrict charging times.
· In the UK, new chargers in the home and workplace now automatically switch off in peak times to avoid potential blackouts. New UK chargers are pre-set to not function during 9-hours of peak loads, from 8am to 11am (3-hours), and 4pm to 10pm (6-hours).
· In addition, all home installed UK electric vehicle chargers are required to be separately metered and send this information to a Smart meter data communications network. Potentially, this UK legislation allows the electricity used for charging EVs to be charged and taxed at a higher rate than domestic electricity. Obviously, the EV electricity users are the ones that will be paying to upgrade and maintain the grid.”