Newsom LEGALIZES Prostitution in San Diego

Thanks to Gavin Newsom, it is as easy to find a prostitute in San Diego as it is a Starbucks coffee.

But, Biden is flooding the community with thousands of illegal aliens each day.  Crime is rampant.  The homeless control the streets.  Add to that the drug dealers—and now the prostitutes.  San Diego is going the way of San Fran and Los Angeles—a full collapse.

“In January of this year, California saw the implementation of a new law that has had far-reaching consequences on the streets of San Diego. The state’s decision to repeal a previous law that banned loitering with the intent to engage in prostitution has brought about a surge in the practice, leading to significant challenges for local businesses and residents alike.

According to a business owner who spoke to Fox News, he and others are grappling with additional security costs and the unsavory task of cleaning up the aftermath of these activities from their streets. The new law seems to have emboldened prostitutes and pimps, allowing them to roam the city streets with little fear of repercussions.

Thank you Gavin!!

San Diego Faces Rising Challenges After California Prostitution Law Change

Red State of Mind Daily,  1018/23

In January of this year, California saw the implementation of a new law that has had far-reaching consequences on the streets of San Diego. The state’s decision to repeal a previous law that banned loitering with the intent to engage in prostitution has brought about a surge in the practice, leading to significant challenges for local businesses and residents alike.

According to a business owner who spoke to Fox News, he and others are grappling with additional security costs and the unsavory task of cleaning up the aftermath of these activities from their streets. The new law seems to have emboldened prostitutes and pimps, allowing them to roam the city streets with little fear of repercussions.

One long-standing business owner in San Diego expressed their concerns, stating, “Costs for business, costs for security. We’ve had to put lights — at our cost — on the roof to try to deter them, and because of the bill, the lights now help them when they want to come in front of my building to shake and do different things … so they get attention versus being in the dark.”

This situation has escalated to the point where business owners have to hide their identities while shedding light on the problems created by the new law. It’s a stark contrast to the environment they once enjoyed, as businesses are being forced to warn customers that they may encounter near-naked women and pimps if they visit the area.

The business owner, who has operated in the same location for 25 years, described the scene as nothing short of shocking. “These are some very confident women,” he said. “They are wearing G-strings. … Their breasts are completely exposed. There was one that was wearing a Letterman’s jacket and nothing else.”

The consequences of this law go beyond business frustrations, as it has also become a nuisance for families and children who are forced to witness this behavior. As the business owner explained, “Parents are having to explain to children why, at 7:30 in the morning, when they’re going to school, that there’s two women in G-strings shaking their butts and showing their breasts and trying to stop vehicles.”

The controversial Senate Bill 357, signed by California Gov. Gavin Newsom in July 2022, aimed to protect transgender women from being unfairly targeted by the police. 

The governor stated, “The author brought forth this legislation because the crime of loitering has disproportionately impacted Black and brown women and members of the LGBTQ community.”

However, the law was met with criticism and calls for its repeal.

San Diego Police Chief David Nisleit has raised concerns about the predictable consequences of this change in the law, noting that there have been incidents of shootings and stabbings in the area since its implementation, leaving the community feeling unsafe in their own homes.

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