Newsom says local government at fault for homelessness; here’s why he’s wrong

Newsom is your typical Democrat.  He refuses to take responsibility for his actions.  He spent $24 billion on the homeless and an audit could not account for the money.

“Gov. Gavin Newsom says that state is making progress on homelessness, even though the numbers continue to climb. From the Chron:

“Forty states saw larger increases than California,” Gov. Gavin Newsom said during a news conference in Oakland on Friday. “We’re making progress, but we have to continue to do more. … That state has provided unprecedented support and flexibility. Local government has to deliver.”

Ummm …. homelessness is increasing, and it’s the fault of local government?

The governor is wrong about homelessness. So are a lot of other politicians.

He does not mention that homelessness went UP by 3.5% in California in the last year.  Note he does not mention that.  He will make a great Democrat nominee for President in 2028!

Newsom says local government at fault for homelessness; here’s why he’s wrong

By Tim Redmond, 48 Hills, 12/29/24

Gov. Gavin Newsom says that state is making progress on homelessness, even though the numbers continue to climb. From the Chron:

“Forty states saw larger increases than California,” Gov. Gavin Newsom said during a news conference in Oakland on Friday. “We’re making progress, but we have to continue to do more. … That state has provided unprecedented support and flexibility. Local government has to deliver.”

Ummm …. homelessness is increasing, and it’s the fault of local government?

The governor is wrong about homelessness. So are a lot of other politicians.

Dick Platkin, a retired Los Angeles planner, has a great piece in a city planning journal that points out why Newsom is totally wrong, and why homelessness keeps increasing despite the billions of dollars cities have already spent:

The problem is NOT a housing shortage. Even though well-funded pressure groups, public officials, and the corporate media endlessly repeat this bogus claim. What they rarely say, however, is that the basic problem is a lack of low-priced housing, and that private sector solutions only make the low-priced housing shortage worse. 

For example, in San Jose there are 11 empty housing units for each homeless person, and in San Diego there are three (3) empty housing units for each homeless individual.  Since some people have roommates, spouses, or partners, the ratio of vacant houses and apartments per homeless persons is actually higher. As for Los Angeles, the ACCE Vacancy Report documented 93,000 vacant housing units,  half of which are withheld from the housing market. This is more than LA’s 45,000 homeless people

Actually, Platkin says, the problem is Elon Musk:

If a housing shortage is not the underlying cause or the housing crisis, then what is?                                                                                                                            

A good place to look is the wealth of the President-elect’s first buddy, Elon Musk. According to the  Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Musk has a fortune of $447 billion, which makes him the world’s richest person.  

To better understand this vast accumulation of enormous wealth at the very top, like Musk’s, we need to realize that most of it has appeared since 1980.  The fortunes of the top .01 percent increased by 800 percent in this period.  The rest of the population were stuck in place because of inflation.

This enormous redistribution of wealth and income upward is primarily responsible for the twin crises of homelessness and overcrowding.  This is because the price of housing has  increased much faster than the consumer price index, a crude government measure of inflation.  

Platkin notes that local efforts to end homelessness (or to blame it on drug use) are never going to succeed until we as a nation (and a state, and a city) address radical economic inequality.

Newsom has said nothing about that.

One thought on “Newsom says local government at fault for homelessness; here’s why he’s wrong

  1. Newscummy is using proportional math to claim Ca homelessness increased as a lower rate than other states. sure, we have the largest unhoused population in the USA. the state’s population is also greater. so, when say South Dakota’s small population has an increase of 2,000 homeless people, vs. a population of 1,000,000 the ratio is greater. Nwescummy knows this put as ll demorats do, they use numbers to lie for them thinking, most folks can’t do simple fractions so I can really get a bump from their ignorance!
    Government programs that restrict access to ample supply of raw materials, like building materials and energy, forest fire management (non-existent (IMO) drive costs in a spiral. Local governments, hungry for revenue pass local taxes beyond the inflation driven 2% of Prop 13 and you squeeze folks from their homes. For gratuitousness’, I am adding the drug epidemic due to national border issues and lousy schools that teach BS, rather than job skills.

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