The good news for the Hollywood Slicky is that when he runs for President, he will only have to go to 24 States. Thanks to legislation he supported, 26 States have now been outlawed by the Attorney General as renegade States California no longer recognizes as being part of the U.S.
Plus, should he go to one of the 26 outlawed Sates, he will have to answer why does he hate them so much that he will not allow the State fo California to do business such as seminars, conferences and joint efforts with them?
“Attorney General Rob Bonta added three additional states to the list on Friday, bumping the total of no-go destinations to 26 — more than half of the country. Missouri, Nebraska and Wyoming are the latest to be black listed after they enacted anti-LGBTQ laws.
Bonta said those states are “part of a concerning trend … to roll back hard-won protections.” But an hour before Bonta made the announcement, another top Democrat in the state touted her proposal to erase the ban altogether.”
How can you be President, if you do not recognize more than half the nation? Glad Newsom will be running on the slogan, “I will do for America what I have done to California.:

California Playbook, 7/17/23 — Some California Democrats are reconsidering the state’s ballooning list of places that are banned for official travel.
Attorney General Rob Bonta added three additional states to the list on Friday, bumping the total of no-go destinations to 26 — more than half of the country. Missouri, Nebraska and Wyoming are the latest to be black listed after they enacted anti-LGBTQ laws.
Bonta said those states are “part of a concerning trend … to roll back hard-won protections.” But an hour before Bonta made the announcement, another top Democrat in the state touted her proposal to erase the ban altogether.
Senate Pro Tem Atkins, who is lesbian, held a news conference in San Diego ahead of weekend Pride festivities to tout Senate Bill 447, her measure that would repeal the 2016 ban.
She wants to replace the travel restrictions with an outreach program to educate people in other states about California’s inclusive values. Atkins said her proposal to build bridges was inspired by Dolly Parton, the country icon who simultaneously calls herself a “backwoods Barbie” and champion of LGBTQ rights.
“It has ceased to be the kind of effective tool to send a message that we had hoped,” Atkins said. “So, it is time to pivot.”
Bonta, an ally of the LGBTQ community, hasn’t said whether he supports Atkins’ effort. But, as he stressed Friday, his office is “compelled to impose restrictions” for the additional states under existing law.