Ninth Circuit Panel: California Cannot Ban Concealed Carry in Hospitals

Do you think criminals do not try to steal drugs from hospitals, steal jewelry from people?  Or, in the case of an assault victim, come back to finish the job.  Now folks will be able to protect themselves from criminals.  No longer will the criminals have guns and the victims sitting ducks.

“In a unanimous ruling, the three judges said bans could be “enforced in bars and restaurants that serve alcohol and in parks, and that California can enforce bans in casinos, libraries, zoos, stadiums and museums,” according to Reuters. However, the three judges also ruled against Hawaii’s ban on concealed carry in banks “or adjacent parking lots” and against California’s ban on concealed carry in hospitals, churches, and public transit.”

Sadly, bars and stadiums, among others will continue to be a shooting range for criminals.

Ninth Circuit Panel: California Cannot Ban Concealed Carry in Hospitals

Getty Images/Stephanie Frey

AWR Hawkins, Breitbart,  9/8/24

On Friday, a three-judge panel from the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that California cannot ban concealed carry in hospitals.

The case, Wolford v. Lopez, centers on “sensitive places” bans on concealed carry which exist in Hawaii and California.

In a unanimous ruling, the three judges said bans could be “enforced in bars and restaurants that serve alcohol and in parks, and that California can enforce bans in casinos, libraries, zoos, stadiums and museums,” according to Reuters. However, the three judges also ruled against Hawaii’s ban on concealed carry in banks “or adjacent parking lots” and against California’s ban on concealed carry in hospitals, churches, and public transit.

In weighing the case, the three-judge panel applied Rahimi (2024), Bruen (2022), and Heller (2008). In doing so, they observed that “our Nation has a clear historical tradition of banning firearms at sensitive places,” then differentiated between places that have existed since America’s founding and places that are newer.

In other words, places have long existed that are only recently considered to be sensitive. With this approach, the three-judge panel upheld some “sensitive places” bans while striking enforcement of others.

Chuck Michel, director of the California Rifle & Pistol Association, cheered the ruling as a victory for gun rights.

The New York Times quoted Michel claiming the “sensitive places” bans were “never about safety” and actually placed the law-abiding concealed carry permit holder at a disadvantage.

One thought on “Ninth Circuit Panel: California Cannot Ban Concealed Carry in Hospitals

  1. The 9th Cricut is logically illogical! Then again, most of what comes out of the courts these days is illogical. Read “Personal Opinions of One Common Man” available online from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Walmart for less than the cost of a burger, fries and coke.

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