By Wednesday evening after a Tuesday election, the people of North Dakota KNOW who won an election. They know that the votes cast were legal—and that the shenanigans of absentee ballots do not exist in their State.
“VOTERS ARE NEVER MAILED A BALLOT WITHOUT FIRST REQUESTING ONE THROUGH AN ABSENTEE APPLICATION. The application requires the eligible voter to use their date of birth and state issued ID number. This ensures that our vote by mail and absentee voting complies with our strict voter ID law before a ballot is mailed out.”
Unlike California, in North Dakota the dead do not vote. Those that moved to another State do not get a vote. This is a State the prides itself on honest elections—unlike California.
North Dakota Runs Honest Elections—California Can Learn From Them

From: Howe, Michael C. <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2023 4:16 PM
To: Howe, Michael C. <[email protected]>
Subject: Trusted election information
Good afternoon,
It has been brought to our office’s attention that several members of the legislature have received messages about North Dakota’s election process. As policy leaders for our state, I believe it is critically important that you have the facts as they relate to the election processes you have put in place. The information shared here is to help you to remain a vital part of our election security by sharing accurate information with your constituents.
- NORTH DAKOTA ONLY USES PAPER BALLOTS. Paper ballots are required by state law and provide the counties and state an auditable paper trail post-election.
- Voters can mark a traditional ballot or use the assistive technology touchscreen (ExpressVote) to mark and print a paper ballot card.
- Ballots are stored for 22 months, as required by federal and state law, with their respective County Recorder’s office in their vault.
- AFTER EACH ELECTION, A POST-ELECTION AUDIT IS COMPLETED BY EACH COUNTY. Counties are ordered after each election to test a precinct to ensure accuracy as provided for in NDCC 16.1-06-15 (5.) …
- “After each election, the secretary of state shall order a random testing of the voting system programming for one precinct in each county of the state according to logic and accuracy testing procedures detailed in subsection 2 and as may be further defined by the secretary of state in writing. This test is to be conducted before the meeting of the county canvassing board.”
- NORTH DAKOTA’S ELECTION EQUIPMENT MEETS FEDERAL STANDARDS. The election system used in North Dakota (manufactured by Election Systems & Software (ES&S)) has undergone federal and state level certification.
- Federal certification includes tabulating 1.5 million ballots on the voting machines, a full security audit of the election management software, and penetration testing of the entire system.
- Additionally, our election system security has been audited by the Office of the State Auditor and was called “incredibly secure across our state.”
- VOTERS ARE NEVER MAILED A BALLOT WITHOUT FIRST REQUESTING ONE THROUGH AN ABSENTEE APPLICATION. The application requires the eligible voter to use their date of birth and state issued ID number. This ensures that our vote by mail and absentee voting complies with our strict voter ID law before a ballot is mailed out.
- The Election Voting FAQs Voters.pdf (below) provides greater information on vote by mail and absentee requirements.
Be assured you can be confident that the election you won in your legislative district was valid and not null and void.
We encourage you to use the Office of the Secretary of State as a resource. It is the true source of trusted North Dakota election information.
The links below provide greater information on voting and election processes for your knowledge.
Election Voting FAQs Voters.pdf (
Election Voting FAQs Process.pdf (
Michael Howe
Secretary of State
P: 701-328-3670 | [email protected] |
North and South Dakotas are wonderful examples of integrity, smarts, caring for their families and people, fairness, people taking responsibility, hard, honest work ethic, fiscal responsibility, low taxes, excellent educations, and church going. Just plain good people. Many of them immigrated to southern CA after WW2 with their ethics.
Now, we have lost most of that. WOW. Bring that mentality back to CA.
This can never work in a blue state. The votes are easily tabulated, and can be back-verified. Maybe not at the level of zero fraud, but getting close.