NPR Perfection? Used ‘Pregnant People’ or ‘Person’ Seven Times In Article

According to National Public Radio, financed with your tax dollars, MEN can become pregnant.  You read that right.  They talk about “pregnant people—as if men and women physically deliver babies.  Either they failed biology class or they are the biggest Fake News operation on the public dole.

“NPR achieved something truly “woke” in a story on Thursday. Jaclyn Diaz wrote an entire story on pregnant mothers and vaccines without ever using the word “woman” or “women,” but using “pregnant people” or “pregnant person” seven times.

Even the headline stayed vague: “Are You Pregnant? The CDC Really Wants You To Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19”.

Just because the CDC once a health care operation, now a political affiliate of the Progressives doesn’t know that only women give birth, no need for so called journalists to misled the public by showing they failed Biology 101 in college.

NPR Perfection? Used ‘Pregnant People’ or ‘Person’ Seven Times In Article

Tim Graham, MRC NewsBusters,   9/30/21   

NPR achieved something truly “woke” in a story on Thursday. Jaclyn Diaz wrote an entire story on pregnant mothers and vaccines without ever using the word “woman” or “women,” but using “pregnant people” or “pregnant person” seven times.

Even the headline stayed vague: “Are You Pregnant? The CDC Really Wants You To Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19”.

Officials with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued the CDC’s strongest recommendation yet for pregnant people and those who were recently pregnant to get a COVID-19 vaccine….

A low percentage of pregnant people in the U.S. — only 31% — have received the COVID-19 vaccine.

The agency warned Wednesday that failing to get vaccinated puts a pregnant person and their unborn baby more at risk if they were to get the coronavirus.

The guidance comes as the CDC reports that through Sept. 27 there were more than 125,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in pregnant people….

Cases of COVID-19 in symptomatic, pregnant people have a higher risk of admission into intensive care and a 70% increased risk of death…

Vaccination rates among pregnant people vary markedly by race and ethnicity, according to the CDC’s data. 

Picky people might note the photo caption said “pregnant woman/women” twice in tinier type.

Diaz quoted CDC Rochelle Walensky also dodging: “I strongly encourage those who are pregnant or considering pregnancy to talk with their healthcare provider about the protective benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine to keep their babies and themselves safe.”

The story concluded: “The agency also urged people who might become pregnant to get the vaccine to prevent serious illness, death and adverse pregnancy outcomes from the coronavirus.”

NPR can say they’re only following, ahem, the CDC guidelines in latest “science” terminology: