Orthodox Jews and Trump

I am always asked why do Jews support the Democrats.  Now that the Democrat Party is openly Pro-Hamas, Anti-Israel, Jews are finally realizing they have been used—just as blacks and women are used by the slavery defending, Jim Crow Dems—in polls from New York, they show 50% of Jews now support Trump.  Even the Jewish Senator Chuck Schumer is a supporter of Hamas by his silence.

“But I believe that something major is being overlooked. If one would ask the average Orthodox Jew why he supports President Trump, while his answer would include Trump’s support for the State of Israel, it would be pretty much be the same as that of all Republicans: We seek an America that has safe streets, a secure Southern border, a robust economy, strong international standing, and of course, an America that is based on what is commonly referred to as traditional faith and family values. We Orthodox Jews want America to be great and free, unencumbered by dangerous leftist ideology and policies that are the antithesis of all that is Godly and good.” 

Orthodox Jews and Trump

By Avrohom Gordimer, American Thinker,  8/21/24  https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/08/orthodox_jews_and_trump.html#ixzz8jeKelvnl

It is no secret that the Orthodox Jewish community, of which I am a part, is overwhelmingly supportive of President Trump for reelection. Although the numbers are even higher now, Trump enjoyed the support of 89% of the Orthodox Jewish community in the 2020 election. Of a rapidly-growing community of close to 1 million people, this says a ton.

And while it is projected that the U.S. Orthodox community will continue to grow, while the U.S. non-Orthodox Jewish community will continue to shrink, the popularity of President Trump in my circles means even more than ever. (It must also be noted that most Jews in New York — even the non-Orthodox ones — plan to vote for President Trump. This is seismic.)

It’s no secret that President Trump justifiably attributes his wild popularity in the Orthodox Jewish community to his policies regarding the State of Israel — moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, pulling out of the suicidal Obama nuclear deal with Iran, supporting the Israeli war on terror/right to total self-defense, the Abraham Accords, and more. The Jewish community is immensely grateful for all of this. 

But I believe that something major is being overlooked. If one would ask the average Orthodox Jew why he supports President Trump, while his answer would include Trump’s support for the State of Israel, it would be pretty much be the same as that of all Republicans: We seek an America that has safe streets, a secure Southern border, a robust economy, strong international standing, and of course, an America that is based on what is commonly referred to as traditional faith and family values. We Orthodox Jews want America to be great and free, unencumbered by dangerous leftist ideology and policies that are the antithesis of all that is Godly and good. 

When my ancestors arrived at these shores over a century ago, they immigrated legally. They learned English, worked hard and honestly, educated their children and immeasurably contributed to America on so many levels. They loved America and sought to give back the blessings that America provided for them. They did not come to this country to take advantage, commit crime or harbor an entitlement mentality — quite the opposite of so much about what we read today regarding current (illegal) immigrants. (And yes, every single descendant of my ancestors who came to America votes Republican, as we are disgusted by what the Democratic party has done to our country and the world.)     

I pray to God that Donald Trump is victorious and that we witness America becoming great again.

The writer is chairman of the Rabbinic Circle at Coalition for Jewish Values.

One thought on “Orthodox Jews and Trump

  1. As a Jewish woman, I also am repeatedly asked that same question. In 2024, the Jewish vote should be “YUGE” for Donald Trump. Also, the Hispanic vote, the Asian vote, the Catholic vote and the Black vote. Why? For the reasons Steve Frank wrote explaining why Jews are moving to the Republican side.

    All Americans seek an America that has safe streets, a secure Southern border, a robust economy, strong international standing, and of course, an America that is based on what is commonly referred to as traditional faith and family values.

    In 2024, it’s an easy choice: Kamala Harris’ Communist-like agenda or Donald Trump’s Constitutional Republic Agenda.

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