Out: Illegal Crossings at Eagle Pass, Texas In: Arizona and California

Thanks to Texas Governor Abbott standing up to the promoter of the invasion of Texas, Joe Biden, Texas is now seeing a steep decline in illegal aliens.  But, the sanctuary state of California and the Democrat run State of Arizona are now finding that illegal aliens are surging into their States.

“According to a tweet posted by Fox News Channel’s Bill Melugin, a major shift has occurred. The majority of illegal border crossings has shifted from Eagle Pass to Arizona and California.

Per CBP sources, over the last week of January, Border Patrol apprehended 32,809 illegal immigrants.

23,576 of them (71.8%) were in AZ & CA.

Notably, the numbers in TX’s Del Rio sector, which includes Eagle Pass, have fallen off a cliff. In December, the sector saw days of 3,000-4,000 illegal crossings per day. Over the last week, it has averaged around just 200.”

Maybe in November the people of California and Arizona will throw out as many invasion supporters from the legislature as possible.  Unless we do, California and Arizona will look and feel like Chicago and New York.  At that point, like those two cities, the States will collapse into chaos.

Out: Illegal Crossings at Eagle Pass, Texas In: Arizona and California

KAREN TOWNSEND, Hot Air,  2/1/24    https://hotair.com/karen-townsend/2024/02/01/out-illegal-crossings-at-eagle-pass-texas-in-arizona-and-california-n608971

Who says that razor wire and shipping containers, along with a border wall don’t work to keep illegal border crossers out? Well, besides the White House spokesditz? Those measures seem to be working well enough in the Eagle Pass, Texas area that a dramatic drop in illegal crossings is being reported.

According to a tweet posted by Fox News Channel’s Bill Melugin, a major shift has occurred. The majority of illegal border crossings has shifted from Eagle Pass to Arizona and California.

Per CBP sources, over the last week of January, Border Patrol apprehended 32,809 illegal immigrants.

23,576 of them (71.8%) were in AZ & CA.

Notably, the numbers in TX’s Del Rio sector, which includes Eagle Pass, have fallen off a cliff. In December, the sector saw days of 3,000-4,000 illegal crossings per day. Over the last week, it has averaged around just 200. This is happening due to two reasons:

He went on to say that the reason for the shift are twofold. In the Del Rio Sector, that includes Eagle Pass, the number of daily illegal crossings fell from 3,000-4,000 to about 200. Texas has locked down the border there. The second part of the answer is that Mexico increased enforcement against migrants arriving in the Mexican state of Coahuila. This is seen as an outcome from Secretary of State Blinken’s visit to Mexico in December. Mexico is stopping migrants from boarding trains. It is removing migrants from the northern border to the southern border. Those migrants who do get through find a hostile environment at the Texas border. There are Border Patrol agents, Texas National Guard troops, razor wire, container trucks used as barriers, and they are now being arrested by law enforcement.

Don’t get too excited about the sudden Mexican help. It isn’t happening anywhere else along the southern border. The San Diego Sector and the Tucson, Arizona Sector are reporting the most activity.

Melugin uses yesterday’s numbers as an example. There were 5,240 apprehensions at the southern border, according to the Border Patrol. 3,854 of them (73.5%) were in Arizona and California. That’s an eye-opener.

This is what the cartels do, though. They stop using routes that become difficult and simply re-group and move to another spot along the border. So, now instead of working through the barriers established in Eagle Pass area, they have shifted further west. Melugin said that those numbers do not include gotaways or those who use a CBP port of entry with the CBP One app.

Too bad for the residents of California and Arizona – those states have Democrat governors. I don’t think either has the backbone or determination to stop illegal border crossings as Texas Governor Greg Abbott has.

The Border Patrol union has been posting on X and they have no respect for Joe Biden’s handling of the border crisis he created.

It doesn’t get more clear than that.

They call b.s. on Biden’s claim that he has to wait for Congress to act before he does something.

More truth. That’s not good news for Joe Biden in this re-election year. Immigration and securing the border is the number one issue for voters. Governor Abbott has made it his mission to secure the Texas border and to inform Americans across the country about the catastrophe that Texas border towns face each and every day. We’ll see what the other governors do as their states experience the flood of illegal aliens that Texas has for the last three years.