Over 60,000 registered to vote in both California and Nevada

Yesterday Election Integrity Project CA, along with ten congressional candidates filed a lawsuit demanding an end to fraud and corruption at the polls.  Today they issued a report showing 60,000 people are registered to vote in both California and Nevada—totally illegal.  Worse a number of those folks VOTED in both States.

“More than 60,000 people are currently registered to vote in both California and Nevada, according to Election Integrity Project California (EIPCa). Thousands were mailed ballots by both states for the November 2020 election and more than 3,500 appear to have voted unlawfully in that election.”

What is mystifying is that the California Republican party is responsible to 5 million Republicans and 40 million Californians to fight for honest elections.  Where is their leadership?  Why did it take a private organization to do what the Republican Party is mandated to do?  Leaders Lead—where is the CRP leadership on honest elections?

Over 60,000 registered to vote in both California and Nevada

Nonpartisan watchdog claims thousands voted where they no longer reside and 251 voted in both states in November 2020.

Linda Paine, EIPCa, 1/6/21  www.eip-ca.com

Santa Clarita, Calif. – More than 60,000 people are currently registered to vote in both California and Nevada, according to Election Integrity Project California (EIPCa). Thousands were mailed ballots by both states for the November 2020 election and more than 3,500 appear to have voted unlawfully in that election.

The findings, based on EIPCa’s analysis of California’s official statewide voter database of November 25, 2020 and Nevada’s statewide database of November 24, 2020, matched registrants on first name, middle name (where available), last name and date of birth. This exposed 60,398 high-confidence matches. Of these, 22,810 additionally share the same phone number and/or their California mailing address matches their Nevada registration address. The remaining matches have exceptionally rare names in both states and are therefore unlikely to be coincidences. Because common names are not included in the analysis, EIPCa’s numbers are conservative.

EIPCa’s analysis found 3,544 who– once confirmed as registered in both states– may have voted unlawfully in the November 2020 election. These votes occurred outside the 30-day grace period for voters who move between states:

  • 2,697 voted unlawfully in Nevada despite being subsequently registered to vote in California. The later registration date indicates these voters now reside in California, but they voted in Nevada.
  • 596 voted unlawfully in California despite being subsequently registered to vote in Nevada.
  •  251 voted in BOTH states. Of these, 141 currently reside in Nevada and 110 reside in California.

These findings will be submitted to the California and Nevada Secretaries of State and appropriate U.S. Attorneys. Federal law enforcement will also be alerted.

“Massive numbers of cross-state registrations underscore the chronic voter list maintenance problems plaguing our country, the need to share this data across states, and the dire consequences for election integrity,” said EIPCa President Linda Paine. “We call on the legal system to investigate our findings and prosecute those who voted unlawfully- a felony in federal elections.”

EIPCa is a nonpartisan IRC 501(c)(3) charity. Contributions are tax-deductible.