Pacific Palisades’ Violet Affleck – Daughter of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner – Demands Mask Mandates at LA County Board Meeting

The rich and famous, especially the young ones are crazy and melting down.

“Violet Affleck, the 18-year-old daughter of actors Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, has drawn attention for her public stance on COVID-19 precautions, demanding mandatory face masks in Los Angeles hospitals, jails and other public facilities to address the long COVID crisis.

Affleck, a Westside resident of Pacific Palisades, made her appeal to the LA County Board of Supervisors, citing her own experience with a long COVID-like condition in 2019. She emphasized the need for masks to be made available in government facilities and urged the adoption of “far-UVC light,” known for its germicidal properties.”

Is she that stupid or crazy not to know that masks are worthless?  Has she had a mental intervention?  Why haven’t her parents, who have lots of money, gotten here medical attention?  Is she dangerous to herself?  Sadly 18 years old and a severe mental case—but this is Hollywood, did you expect different?

Pacific Palisades’ Violet Affleck – Daughter of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner – Demands Mask Mandates at LA County Board Meeting

Westside Current Staff, 7/10/24—daughter-of-ben-affleck-and-jennifer-garner–/article_8095ea48-3ed2-11ef-be02-d315a5d75e99.html?—daughter-of-ben-affleck-and-jennifer-garner–%2Farticle-8095ea48-3ed2-11ef-be02-d315a5d75e99.html%3Fmode%3Demail%26-dc%3D1720626601&utm_medium=auto%20alert%20email&utm_content=read%20more

Story Highlights

  • Violet Affleck, daughter of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, demands mandatory face masks in Los Angeles hospitals.
  • Affleck made her appeal at an L.A. County Board of Supervisors meeting.
  • She cited her experience with a long COVID-like condition in 2019.
  • Affleck emphasized the need for masks, air filtration, and far-UVC lights in government facilities.
  • She warned against “mask bans” and highlighted the severe impact of long COVID.
  • Affleck introduced herself as a Los Angeles resident and first-time voter.
  • She argued that long COVID exacerbates homelessness and disproportionately affects vulnerable communities.
  • Affleck’s advocacy has sparked discussion and garnered support for public health measures in Los Angeles.

LOS ANGELES — Violet Affleck, the 18-year-old daughter of actors Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, has drawn attention for her public stance on COVID-19 precautions, demanding mandatory face masks in Los Angeles hospitals, jails and other public facilities to address the long COVID crisis.

Affleck, a Westside resident of Pacific Palisades, made her appeal to the LA County Board of Supervisors, citing her own experience with a long COVID-like condition in 2019. She emphasized the need for masks to be made available in government facilities and urged the adoption of “far-UVC light,” known for its germicidal properties.

During her address in the public comments section, Affleck introduced herself, saying, “Hi, Violet Affleck, Los Angeles resident, first-time voter, I’m 18.” Wearing a protective face mask, she highlighted the severe impact of long COVID. “One in 10 infections leads to long COVID, a devastating neurological and cardiovascular illness that can take away people’s ability to work, see, move, and even think,” she said.

Affleck called for comprehensive measures in government buildings, including air filtration, far-UVC lights, and mask mandates, particularly in county medical facilities. She expressed concern over “mask bans” and stressed the importance of maintaining mask availability.

She shared her personal experience, stating, “I contracted a post-viral condition in 2019. I’m OK now, but I saw firsthand that medicine does not always have answers to the consequences of even minor viruses.” Affleck, who graduated from high school in May and is reportedly headed to Yale University, argued that long COVID exacerbates existing social issues, including homelessness.

“Long COVID stands to exacerbate our homelessness crisis and hits communities of color, disabled people, elderly people, trans people, women, and anyone in a public-facing essential job the hardest,” she said.