Young men are being forced by schools and colleges to take an experimental drug, even though data shows it will give them long term heart problems. Six Texas Democrats, all vaccinated still came down with the COVID virus. Pregnant women are told not take the vaccine, because doctors do not know how it will affect the unborn baby. Yet, the same doctors are giving the vaccine, willy nilly, to everybody, without telling them what th short term and long term risks are—the ONLY medicine they give without obeying medical ethics.
“According to a lawsuit filed in Santa Clara County Superior Court earlier this month by the student’s father, A.J. Gokcek, the senior — referred to in the complaint as T.G. — had registered for a 2½-week credit-recovery history course, beginning July 6 and ending July 23.
When he showed up for his first day of school without a mask, the lawsuit says, T.G. was told by his teacher to go to the principal’s office. According to Gokcek, his son “cannot wear a mask safely” and wearing one could prevent him from being able to participate in class based on a speech and communication disability.
Because he did not comply with mask-wearing rules, T.G. was withdrawn from the course after three days of missed classes, which Gokcek contends is a violation of the school’s statutory commitment to teaching all children.
Even the know health risks of an individual child are being ignored. This is not about the health fo the community, it is about government controlling the community. How far can it go before the people revolt?
Palo Alto father sues school district after son not allowed in class without mask

The student’s father A.J. Gokcek filed the lawsuit himself saying his son has a medical reason for not wearing a mask
By Aldo Toledo, Bay Area News Group, 7/19/21
PALO ALTO — The father of a rising senior at Palo Alto High School has sued the school district after his son was denied entry to a summer history class for not wearing a mask.
According to a lawsuit filed in Santa Clara County Superior Court earlier this month by the student’s father, A.J. Gokcek, the senior — referred to in the complaint as T.G. — had registered for a 2½-week credit-recovery history course, beginning July 6 and ending July 23.
When he showed up for his first day of school without a mask, the lawsuit says, T.G. was told by his teacher to go to the principal’s office. According to Gokcek, his son “cannot wear a mask safely” and wearing one could prevent him from being able to participate in class based on a speech and communication disability.
Because he did not comply with mask-wearing rules, T.G. was withdrawn from the course after three days of missed classes, which Gokcek contends is a violation of the school’s statutory commitment to teaching all children.
In the suit, Gokcek says his son was “denied access to the class” without the school providing “other alternatives to work through this problem.”
“Had this matter been handled more quickly or taken more seriously by school officials, T.G. would not be in front of this court,” the suit says.
In an interview Monday, Gokcek said he wants his kid to get an education like everyone else but he is prevented from doing so because the school district won’t grant him an exemption.
“I’m doing this not just because of him being in a classroom without a mask, it’s about his mental and physical well-being too of not being in a classroom with kids for a long time,” Gokcek said. “I want him to be with classmates, not isolated or forced to stay home and go through another year of that.”
Gokcek urged the court to approve a temporary restraining order on the school and order a preliminary injunction so that his son could continue going to school, but T.G. was withdrawn from the course when the suit was filed.
Santa Clara County Judge Helen Williams denied his request for a temporary restraining order on July 12, noting that Gokcek did not demonstrate “a likelihood of success on the merits.”
“It also appears that the matter may now be moot, and potentially was so the day after the filing of the complaint,” Williams said in reference to T.G.’s withdrawal from the summer course.
Following the court’s decision, school district superintendent Don Austin said in an interview Monday he is “not worried about (the lawsuit) at all” and said that the school district has been clear about its mask-wearing rules since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.
At Palo Alto schools, masks are required for students in K-12 settings regardless of vaccination status and “we’re going to hold to that,” he said.
Austin said the school district doesn’t have any information about T.G. demonstrating that he has a disability keeping him from wearing a mask, and past school evaluations show “no issues that would require a mask exemption.”
Austin also said that Gokcek turned down multiple invitations for T.G. to be reevaluated by a school nurse. Austin said Gokcek has a history of opposing the school district’s mask rules.
“We’re all about students first and trying to accommodate students,” Austin said. “But that requires more than just a parent not wanting their kid to wear a mask.”