Parents Push SUSD For Gender-Neutral Activities 

Government schools have been propaganda promoters against families and traditional values.  The goal is to have NO values, no families.

“While this topic is new, having only been brought to the board’s attention less than a week ago, the feedback Watson has received seems to be against the decision to bring gender-neutral events to the district.

“I’ve only talked to a couple of parents, and they were upset,” Watson said. “It’s been a tradition at Mountainview to have events like the Father-Daughter Dance, but the district wants to be fully inclusive. We don’t want a single student to feel left out.”

Why do they hate fathers and daughters?  Because radicals oppose families.  This is sick.

Parents Push SUSD For Gender-Neutral Activities 

KHTS,  5/23/24

A small group of parents at the Saugus Union School District Board meeting Tuesday are pushing the district to have neutral gender events.

After the subject was brought to the board during the open comment portion of the meeting, board members are now working with Colleen Hawkins, the SUSD superintendent, to determine how to move forward.

“This is something that just came to the boards’ attention Tuesday,” said Matt Watson, an SUSD board member. “The board employs one employee, and that’s the superintendent. So we go through her to know  what’s going on, and helps us understand the full aspect of the story.”

In the meantime, according to Watson, board members are speaking with district families to gauge their feelings about the topic and provide feedback to the superintendent.

While this topic is new, having only been brought to the board’s attention less than a week ago, the feedback Watson has received seems to be against the decision to bring gender-neutral events to the district.

“I’ve only talked to a couple of parents, and they were upset,” Watson said. “It’s been a tradition at Mountainview to have events like the Father-Daughter Dance, but the district wants to be fully inclusive. We don’t want a single student to feel left out.”

While the topic has not been put on the agenda, the board is considering all angles, including leaving gender-specific activities on the calendar and adding non-gender-specific activities

One thought on “Parents Push SUSD For Gender-Neutral Activities 

  1. If the District does not want any one student to feel left out, they should implement a program called “Rent A Father For A Day”.

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