Finally, a school district that refuses to bend to emotionally disturbed radicals that think a woman could be a man, a donkey or a banana. He Paso Robles School Board passed a resolution that mandates the use of traditional titles for peoples—rather then silly pronouns like he, she, they, them, I am a nut/you are a nut or any obscenity they want.
“In defiance of a government mandate that does not exist, the Paso Robles Joint Unified School District’s Board of Trustees voted 4-3 at its Tuesday evening meeting to protect the use of “traditional” gender-specific language in its schools. These include labels and titles such as “mother and father, Mr. and Mrs., ladies and gentlemen, and boys and girls,” according to the resolution.”
Obviously this is a school board that believes in common sense and education, not indoctrination.
Paso Robles school board passes resolution to protect gender-specific titles

BY MACKENZIE SHUMAN, The Tribune, 8/24/22
In defiance of a government mandate that does not exist, the Paso Robles Joint Unified School District’s Board of Trustees voted 4-3 at its Tuesday evening meeting to protect the use of “traditional” gender-specific language in its schools. These include labels and titles such as “mother and father, Mr. and Mrs., ladies and gentlemen, and boys and girls,” according to the resolution. Trustees Nathan Williams, Tim Gearhart and Lance Gannon voted “no,” while Dorian Baker, Frank Triggs, Chris Bausch and Chris Arend voted “yes.”
Specifically, the resolution, which Baker requested the district draft, establishes that the school district “will not support any mandate which replaces traditional gender-specific names.” No such mandate is currently being proposed. The resolution came in response to a leaked proposal from the National Education Association, a nationwide teacher and school staff union, that would have suggested member union contracts replace gender-specific language with more inclusive language.
This included replacing “maternity leave” with “parental leave,” “parent,” instead of “mother” or “father,” “birthing parent” instead of “mother,” and “non-birthing parent” instead of “father,” according to the leaked proposal. T
hat proposal was never considered or adopted by the National Education Association, a spokesperson for the organization told NBC News. The resolution passed by the Paso Robles school board only appears to protect gender-specific titles, and does not add any protections for gender-neutral titles such as “parent” or “guardian.”
Also unprotected by the resolution are gender-neutral honorifics such as “Mx.” (pronounced “mix” or “mux” and used by non-binary people), “Ind” (abbreviation of individual) or “M.” Such titles have been adopted by companies such as HSBC Bank, which made headlines in 2017 for allowing its account holders to use options beyond conventional honorifics such as “Mr.” or “Mrs.”