Pfizer CEO tests positive for COVID-19 again

The CEO, though ill due to his own “vaccine:, is laughing all the way to the bank.  For the second time Albert Bouria got COVID, while selling a drug that he guaranteed would prevent this virus.  Instead tens of thousands of folks who took his placebo dies—and hundreds of thousand got ill.  Worse, millions more now have life time heart and other diseases, due to his placebo.

“Bourla, who previously tested positive for COVID-19 in mid-August, said he is currently symptom free. He added that he has not yet received the new COVID-19 booster, as he was following guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The CDC notes on its website that people may consider delaying their next vaccine until three months after their last COVID-19 case.

The new booster?  Not a single human being was given it before the FDC approved its use.  In other words, you are a guinea pig for the drug company.  This is totally illegal—yet the government is promoting a potentially dangerous drug, based on known dangerous drugs.  Another reason can no longer be trusted.

Pfizer CEO tests positive for COVID-19 again

BY JULIA SHAPERO, The Hill,  9/24/22 

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said on Saturday that he has tested positive for COVID-19 again — the second time he has contracted the virus in under two months.

“While we’ve made great progress, the virus is still with us,” he wrote on Twitter.

Bourla, who previously tested positive for COVID-19 in mid-August, said he is currently symptom free. He added that he has not yet received the new COVID-19 booster, as he was following guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The CDC notes on its website that people may consider delaying their next vaccine until three months after their last COVID-19 case.

President Biden recently declared the pandemic “over” in an interview with “60 Minutes,” a statement that quickly drew criticism. The president later clarified that he meant that the pandemic is not as bad as it once was, reflecting his administration’s efforts to signal a return to normalcy.

The U.S. is currently seeing about 53,000 new COVID-19 cases and 350 new COVID-19-related deaths per day on average, according to CDC data.