Photos show ‘F–k the Police,’ ‘F–k Amerikkka’ flags hanging in Los Angeles classroom

This is from a classroom in the LAUSD.  This is a teacher using the classroom as an indoctrination center.  Seriously, do you think any real education can happen here?  We need to know the name of the teacher, have their credentials taken from them, a restraining order so they can not be within 100 feet of anyone under 21 years old.  Then they need r-reeducation to learn how to fill a taco shell.

“A classroom at a Los Angeles public high school was decorated with hateful posters reading “F–k the Police” and “F–k Amerikkka” — as well as a Black Lives Matter flag, photos show.

The vicious, anti-American posters, shared on social media, adorned a history classroom at Alexander Hamilton High School.

One picture shows a poster declaring “F–k Amerikkka, This is Native Land” and another taking aim at law enforcement officials.

“Policing is a violent, anti-black settler institution that originated as slave patrols,” the poster reads.

“Their primary mandate is to protect property and to militarily enforce white supremacist capitalism. They are doing their jobs as they are trained and paid to do. You can’t fix what isn’t broken. That’s why we fight for police and prison abolition. F–k the Police.”

This teacher is teaching hate, violence, support of crime and a digest of freedom.  We need the face of this teacher on a poster with the simple words, “This is the face of American education today.  This is a picture of hate.”

Photos show ‘F–k the Police,’ ‘F–k Amerikkka’ flags hanging in Los Angeles classroom

By Joshua Rhett Miller, NY Post,  9/17/21 

A classroom at a Los Angeles public high school was decorated with hateful posters reading “F–k the Police” and “F–k Amerikkka” — as well as a Black Lives Matter flag, photos show.

The vicious, anti-American posters, shared on social media, adorned a history classroom at Alexander Hamilton High School.

One picture shows a poster declaring “F–k Amerikkka, This is Native Land” and another taking aim at law enforcement officials.

“Policing is a violent, anti-black settler institution that originated as slave patrols,” the poster reads.

“Their primary mandate is to protect property and to militarily enforce white supremacist capitalism. They are doing their jobs as they are trained and paid to do. You can’t fix what isn’t broken. That’s why we fight for police and prison abolition. F–k the Police.”

Another image shows a classroom blackboard covered with the Palestinian flag, as well as pride and transgender banners alongside another supporting Black Lives Matter. A US flag, meanwhile, appeared to be draped over a piece of furniture in a corner.

The divisive display was shared Tuesday on Twitter by Parents Defending Education, which describes itself on its website as “a national grassroots organization” fighting “indoctrination in the classroom.”

However, the group’s president and founder, Nicole Neily, describes herself as a “think tank executive” on her LinkedIn profile and has worked in senior positions for conservative groups including the Independent Women’s Forum and Cato Institute, according to the group’s website.

Still, the spiteful rhetoric highlighted by the group had many on social media questioning if the posters could be regarded as “hate speech.”

Another critic suggested the display looked like a lesson on the “history of art as political propaganda.”

Some have called for the teacher who put up the posters to be fired.@DefendingEd

Many called for the unnamed teacher who reportedly hung the banners to be fired.

“Seriously, what is going on at our schools?” another tweet read. “Where are the principals? This teacher needs to go!”

Meanwhile, others questioned whether the signs were just merely a part of a classroom discussion.

“I love how we hear the whole story so we can put these posters in context, and get the teacher’s reasoning for this,” one sarcastic tweet read.

“Oh, wait, never mind. We’re jumping immediately to ‘fire the teacher’ because we’re afraid of confronting ideas that offend us,” it continued.

In a statement to The Post on Friday, a spokesperson for the Los Angeles Unified School District — the nation’s second-largest public system, serving nearly 630,000 students — said the posters “have since been brought down” after being up for at least the bulk of this week.

Most students in Los Angeles returned to classes on Aug. 16.

The district did not comment on who hung the posters or if any action was taken against the person.

It did also not provide any further information or context explaining why the signs were on display in the classroom.

However, the district noted policy requiring both students and adults to “treat all persons equally and respectfully” while not using slurs against anyone on the basis of race, language spoken, color, sex, religion, handicap, national origin, immigration status, age, sexual orientation or political beliefs.

Teachers are expected to reflect district policies of inclusion when decorating their classrooms, according to the statement.

“Any displays that are determined to be overtly and objectively political or otherwise run afoul of our policies of inclusion and respectful treatment of others will be taken down and will be handled administratively,” district officials said.

 “Nevertheless, not every subjective belief that any one display is ‘political’ can be accommodated in a district as large and diverse as L.A. Unified.”