Pope Francis publically announced what CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Washington Post and the rest of the fawning media won’t—Joe Biden is incoherent!
“The pope stated that scientific data proves the unborn child is a “human life,” forming all of its organs and DNA after one month of conception. The pope said he leaves Biden’s stance on abortion to his conscience and for him to settle his “incoherence” with his church leaders.
“What do you think about a Catholic president that wants to legalize abortion in the U.S.?” Maria Antonieta Collins asked.
This of course also questions if Biden is a Catholic. He calls himself a Catholic, but his views are not of that church. It is time to force Joe into taking tests to see how far gone he is—this is the man who has his finger on the nuclear button—scary.
Pope Opposes Biden’s ‘Incoherent’ Pro-Abortion Position

NICOLE SILVERIO, Daily Caller, 7/14/22
Pope Francis said it is an “incoherence” for President Joe Biden to call himself a Catholic and support abortion during a Tuesday interview with Univision.
The pope stated that scientific data proves the unborn child is a “human life,” forming all of its organs and DNA after one month of conception. The pope said he leaves Biden’s stance on abortion to his conscience and for him to settle his “incoherence” with his church leaders.
“What do you think about a Catholic president that wants to legalize abortion in the U.S.?” Maria Antonieta Collins asked.
“I leave it up to his conscience, and that he should talk to his bishop, his pastor, his parish priest about that incoherence,” the pope answered.
The pope has repeatedly stated that abortion “is murder” and that science affirms an unborn child is a human life. Francis has previously declined to answer questions about pro-abortion politicians’ reception of communion, saying that he does not want to “particularize the United States” because he is not well aware of the details. He has called on the Church to act as a pastor rather than a politician.
The president has been a major voice in U.S. lawmakers’ efforts to protect abortion access since the Supreme Court’s overturn of Roe v. Wade in June. He called the Court decision a “tragic error” and called on Congress to codify Roe into federal law.
Biden signed an executive order July 8 establishing an “Integral Taskforce” to federally outline “policymaking and program development” to combat the Court’s decision. It also directs the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to expand access to abortion, including abortifacients.
The Church teaches that human life begins at conception. Therefore, abortion is “gravely wrong” and a “moral evil,” according to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Church teaching has prompted some bishops and priests to deny Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi the sacrament of Holy Communion. Canon law states that no individual “conscious of grave sin” is to celebrate Mass or the body of the Lord without confession.
Biden was first reportedly denied communion in 2019, during his presidential candidacy. Father Robert E. Morey of Saint Anthony Catholic Church said any public figure advocating for abortion “places himself or herself outside of Church teaching.”
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) approved a measure to draft a statement deliberating on whether pro-abortion politicians should receive communion. Biden said in 2021 he did not believe U.S. Catholic bishops would vote to prevent him from receiving communion in June 2021. Almost 170 out of the 229 bishops voted in favor of the measure.
The USCCB requires that Catholics “conscious of grave sin” do not receive Holy Communion without confessing their sins.