Priceless optics: Pelosi grabs photo-op with same troops she called ‘stormtroopers’ during Portland riots

Priceless optics: Pelosi grabs photo-op with same troops she called ‘stormtroopers’ during Portland riots

Totalitarians do not have to be consistent—they just have to be loud.  Truthful is not part of their DNA.  San Fran Nan hated the National Guard when they tried to stop the insurrection of BLM and Antifa—groups SUPPORTED by her and the Democrats.  Now that that National Guard was used to defend the Capitol against Trump supporters, she loves them.

“Shockingly,” Pelosi pimped her politically-expedient charade on her Twitter page.

“Even during this dark time in the history of America, we find reasons for hope. It was my privilege today to personally thank members of the National Guard who are working [to] protect our nation’s Capitol. Thank you for your commitment to our American democracy.”

Oh please. How can I put this tactfully? What a complete load of crap.

Did I mention that this is the same Nancy Pelosi who in July referred to the same National Guardsmen as “stormtroopers“? Remember, as Black Lives Matter Marxists and Antifa anarchists burned and looted cities across America, in which at least one child and two police officers were shot and killed? Yeah — same Pelosi, same National Guard.

As reported by BizPack Review, Pelosi also in July sent a letter to President Trump in which she railed about the “stormtroopers” — AKA: “National Guardsmen sent to protect our nation’s capital from BLM and Antifa rioters,” which reads, in part:”

Expect the National Guard to be used to keep churches closed and people protesting Harris/Biden from gathering.  We will live in a police State.

Priceless optics: Pelosi grabs photo-op with same troops she called ‘stormtroopers’ during Portland riots

Tom Tillison, BizPAC Review  ,  1/17/21 

There can only be one explanation for the level of hypocrisy regularly seen from Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a complicit media, but the California Democrat took her duplicity to a mindboggling level when she exploited National Guard troops deployed ahead of Joe Biden’s inauguration next week.

Like a tin-pot dictator, Pelosi stood before a formation of soldiers lined up in front of the U.S. Capitol and thanked the troops and their families “for protecting the Capitol and our democracy.”

This coming from the same Democrat who expressed concern “about the increased militarization” of the nation’s capital when the National Guard was brought in during the Black Lives Matter riots over the summer. The same person who called federal law enforcement agents “stormtroopers.”

Yet, having no shame meter, Pelosi used the troops for a photo op last week.

Proving her hypocrisy knows no bounds, she also gave each trooper a “challenge coin” to mark their mission of protecting the legislative seat of the U.S. government during the recent protests at the Capitol — the coin bears her signature.

Immune from any media push back, Pelosi further took advantage of the PR-rich moment by taking to social media.

“Even during this dark time in the history of America, we find reasons for hope,” the speaker said. “It was my privilege today to personally thank members of the National Guard who are working protect our nation’s Capitol. Thank you for your commitment to our American democracy.”

But one tweet would not suffice, as she shared a photo  Saturday of herself helping feed the troops.

In a second photo, the speaker posed with a small group of heavily armed soldiers.

Back in June, when Black Lives Matter rioters were burning and looting Washington, Pelosi sent a letter to President Trump demanding “clarity” over the use of National Guard troops in the nation’s capital.

“We are concerned about the increased militarization and lack of clarity that may increase chaos,” she wrote. “I am writing to request a full list of the agencies involved and clarifications of the roles and responsibilities of the troops and federal law enforcement resources operating in the city. Congress and the American people need to know who is in charge, what is the chain of command, what is the mission, and by what authority is the National Guard from other states operating in the capital.”

DC Mayor Muriel Bowser would also call for the removal of the National Guard from other states.

“We want the military; we want troops from out of state out of Washington DC,” she said at the time.

And then there’s Pelosi’s reaction to federal law enforcement troops being deployed to Portland, Oregon, in July to quell continued unrest in the Democrat-run city.

“But you don’t send in people acting like stormtroopers into the scene and evoking even more unease and unrest,” Pelosi said, calling Attorney General Bill Barr “despicable” for the decision.

More than 20,000 National Guard members are in the nation’s capital to help with security during Biden’s inauguration, and Washington, D.C., is locked up tighter than a drum.

To get a feel for how tight, there was not a single restaurant open at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport on Saturday.

Former Trump communication director Sean Spicer shared a video online, showing checkpoints.

“I’ve never seen anything like this in my life,” Spicer added