Putin’s Army Flies Planned Parenthood Flag So No One Will Criticize Them For Genocide

Putin, with his war crimes in Ukraine has killed at least 50,000 people.  Hitler killed tens of millions, as did Stalin and Mao Tse Tung.  Add them up you will probably get 70 million people killed by these tyrants.  And we call it genocide.

So, what do you call the over 70 million children at least 70% of color, killed by Planned Parenthood?

Racist and Genocide.

While this article is satirical, the subject is not funny.   Genocide by a nation or organization is still genocide.—unless you are a supporter of Planned Parenthood.

Putin’s Army Flies Planned Parenthood Flag So No One Will Criticize Them For Genocide

BabylonBee.com, 4/4/22 

KYIV—In a devious 4D chess move, Vladimir Putin has ordered all his armored divisions to fly Planned Parenthood flags so no one will criticize them for committing unthinkable genocide against innocent people. 

“It is very simple,” said Putin. “Eliminating Ukrainian civilians is healthcare. I am just a pro-choice activist exercising my right to eliminate all lives that inconvenience me in any way.” 

At the first sight of Planned Parenthood flags waving in the breeze, Ukrainian forces were ordered to lay down their weapons and celebrate the brave, powerful Russian army for standing up for their right to autonomy. 

“We are so sorry for this misunderstanding,” said Ukrainian President Zelensky in a statement. “The Russians are just living their truth as they slaughter our population and we will not stand in their way. We are not bigots, after all.”

At time of publishing, Planned Parenthood has offered to take over Russian concentration camps and rebrand them as “health clinics.”