Radanovich: Vote No on $1.4 Billion Measure E Sales Tax, Fresno

In Fresno, the Establishment—the tax and spend folks, want a $1.4 billion sales tax increase.  Not to help in public safety, health or welfare, making the streets better.  Nope.  They want the money to improve Fresno State University.  But, Fresno State is a state college, not a city college, why isn’t Newsom and his buddies financing this?

“Now the same tax-and-spend crowd behind that failed measure is back again with Measure E, a $1.4 billion tax increase on Fresno County taxpayers to build locker rooms, sports facilities, theaters, and other facilities on the Fresno State campus. This proposal is so unnecessary and unwise that it has united both Republicans and Democrats in opposition to it.

My strong personal opposition to Measure E has nothing to do with Fresno State. In fact, as a member of Congress, I strongly supported the university, which suffered due to lack of sufficient funds from the state of California. But punishing Fresno’s taxpayers for the failures of the state is the wrong way to improve Fresno State.

George Radanovich opposes this $1.4 billion tax increase on the people of Fresno.  His opponent, David Tangipa, is the Establishment, Romney/Cheney/Schwarzenegger candidate—of course he supports the tax. 

Vote No on $1.4 Billion Measure E Sales Tax: George Radanovich

In November 2022, Fresno County voters rightfully rejected a $720 million sales tax increase to pay for facilities improvements and scholarships at Fresno State.

George Radanovich, GV Wire,  1/8/24    https://gvwire.com/2024/01/09/vote-no-on-1-4-billion-measure-e-sales-tax-george-radanovich/

Now the same tax-and-spend crowd behind that failed measure is back again with Measure E, a $1.4 billion tax increase on Fresno County taxpayers to build locker rooms, sports facilities, theaters, and other facilities on the Fresno State campus. This proposal is so unnecessary and unwise that it has united both Republicans and Democrats in opposition to it.

My strong personal opposition to Measure E has nothing to do with Fresno State. In fact, as a member of Congress, I strongly supported the university, which suffered due to lack of sufficient funds from the state of California. But punishing Fresno’s taxpayers for the failures of the state is the wrong way to improve Fresno State.

First, this is a $1,400,000,000.00 ($1.4 billion) tax increase that will spike inflation by raising the price of gas and food at a time when Fresno’s middle and lower-income families are already struggling to make ends meet.

Second, the measure includes hundreds of millions of dollars for sports stadiums, fancy locker rooms, video scoreboards, and other similar wasteful projects.

Third, Measure E creates a new government bureaucracy with a hand-picked, unaccountable board of directors, each being paid $81,000 a year to dole out taxpayer funds.

Finally, it is unfair to ask Fresno taxpayers to pay for projects at a facility the state of California owns and operates.

We Can Improve Fresno State Without Ripping Off Taxpayers

While my opponent for State Assembly, David Tangipa, is a vocal supporter of Measure E,  I know we can improve Fresno State without ripping off taxpayers.

The state of California already tries to dictate who can attend our colleges, what can be taught, and who receives financial benefits. They can certainly help pay for improvements to their own educational facilities.

My pledge to the voters of Fresno County is this, when I’m elected to the Assembly, I will build a coalition of support for the university the proper way, through the legislative process.

Now is not the time to raise taxes on the hard-working people of Fresno County. Vote no on Measure E.