Reopen California Schools Facebook Page Mysteriously Disappears

Facebook claims it is taking off the server any misinformation about COVID.  So when a FB page spoke about a teenager dying from the jab, the page disappeared.  In fact, next to Fauci, Facebook is the number one purveyor of false information and censors those with accurate information.

“Reopen California Schools, in conjunction with Let Them Breathe, filed a lawsuit in July against the State of California, officials from the California Department of Public Health, and Governor Gavin Newsom challenging the state’s mask mandates, and COVID quarantine and testing protocols. In a September 30 TRO (temporary restraining order) hearing, the state attempted to delay the injunctive relief hearing until 2022, but it was denied by Judge Cynthia Freeland. As reported by group founders Jonathan Zachreson (Reopen California Schools) and Sharon McKeeman (Let Them Breathe) the fact that the state did an opposition dump of 1600 pages with supporting documents at midnight of September 30, and also attempted to kick the can into next year, casts some doubt that the state attorneys are merely trying to paper the plaintiffs, while they dig for substantive arguments.

Biden considers these people, concerned about their children “domestic terrorists”.  Shame on Zuckerberg for trying to kill the First Amendment—and the people of the United States.  By definition, he is the domestic terrorist.

Reopen California Schools Facebook Page Mysteriously Disappears

By Jennifer Oliver O’Connell, Red State, 10/6/21 

After a member of Reopen California Schools PRA’d the vaccine-related death of a 15-year-old Sonoma County teenager, their Facebook page, with over 18,000 members, has mysteriously gone “poof”.

Facebook did have a major outage yesterday, and was down for about six hours. Once you could access the site, it was still wonky. So, perhaps this is the reason Reopen California Schools can no longer access their page.

Possible, but doubtful. With the increasing attacks on grassroots activism groups formed by parents against school boards and teachers unions, this type of naked swipe by Big Tech comes as no surprise. As my colleague streiff reported, the Department of Justice is targeting parents and parent organizations who protest school boards and curriculum for their school-aged children in which they do not agree. It is a foregone conclusion that an organization like Reopen California Schools is also in their crosshairs.

Reopen California Schools, in conjunction with Let Them Breathe, filed a lawsuit in July against the State of California, officials from the California Department of Public Health, and Governor Gavin Newsom challenging the state’s mask mandates, and COVID quarantine and testing protocols. In a September 30 TRO (temporary restraining order) hearing, the state attempted to delay the injunctive relief hearing until 2022, but it was denied by Judge Cynthia Freeland. As reported by group founders Jonathan Zachreson (Reopen California Schools) and Sharon McKeeman (Let Them Breathe) the fact that the state did an opposition dump of 1600 pages with supporting documents at midnight of September 30, and also attempted to kick the can into next year, casts some doubt that the state attorneys are merely trying to paper the plaintiffs, while they dig for substantive arguments.

The injunctive relief hearing is scheduled for a little over a month from now, on November 8. In their opposition filing, the state has already admitted that the quarantine and testing protocols they have set up for schools are optional, and not required.

It takes a great deal of work to build an organization that connects 18,000 people with information and resources. For some parents, the Facebook page was the only connection they had to keep abreast of this organization, as well as options and helps for parents fighting against these mandates in their own districts. So the loss of the page and its resources was a huge blow, as one Twitter follower expressed.

So, when Facebook capriciously deletes an advocacy page, it literally cuts the organization off at the knees. Particularly when the social media presence is substantial.

This may well be the intent of the Silicon Valley overlords; in the case of this organization, they will not succeed. Founder and director Jonathan Zachreson has started a new Facebook page, and still remains active on Twitter. Zachreson alluded to starting pages on other pro-free speech platforms, such as MeWe, Telegram, and Gettr.