In 2019 Planned Parenthood killed 117,000 black babies. In the Nuremberg Rules that is considered a genocide—yet our President applause the killing of black babies—just as he hated the idea of black kids going to school with white kid. Imagine the number of female babies killed—or Hispanic babies killed by Planned Parenthood. This organization is a genocidal group that should be shut down, as we have opposed genocide in Africa.
“However, what actually seems to be racist here is repealing the Hyde Amendment — because eliminating it will disproportionately end black and brown lives.
There is already a disproportionate number of minorities killed via abortion in the U.S. each year. In all, 61% of abortions happen to nonwhite babies, according to the Guttmacher Institute. Race shouldn’t necessarily matter here because abortion is wrong no matter what color the baby is. However, abortion in the U.S. disproportionately denies the right to life for nonwhites.
To people such as Pressley and organizations such as SisterSong, that’s somehow a good thing.
Meanwhile, real white nationalists such as Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor are pro-choice. They know the demographic reality of abortion, and because it makes the U.S. less nonwhite, they’re in favor of it — even though it ends human lives.”
Racists love abortions and Planned Parenthood—yet folks like Biden, Newsom and Pelosi have no trouble killing off people of color.
Repealing the Hyde Amendment would be racist

by Tom Joyce, Washington Examiner, 7/17/21
If President Joe Biden has his way, the Hyde Amendment will be a thing of the past. A U.S. budget amendment since 1976, the amendment prevents federal funding from paying for abortions except in cases of rape, incest, and to protect the life of the mother. It primarily affects Medicaid recipients and prevents an estimated 50,000 abortions per year.
On Thursday, the U.S. House Appropriations Committee passed a budget that doesn’t include the Hyde Amendment. It’s unclear if there is enough support in the U.S. Senate for it to pass there.
Why the sudden push to repeal the decades-old amendment? For one, critics of the amendment call it racist.
It’s a sentiment that Rep. Ayanna Pressley, a Massachusetts Democrat, has expressed many times, including a July 2020 tweet in which she wrote, “The Hyde Amendment is racist and discriminatory. It’s time to #RepealHyde.”
And on Biden’s second day in office, the pro-abortion organization SisterSong tweeted, “Grateful for a commitment to addressing white supremacy and advancing racial equity. Part of that must include living up to your promise, @POTUS to get rid of the racist and harmful Hyde Amendment!”
The United States is about 60% non-Hispanic white and declining. And yet, as of 2019, 41.1% of nonelderly Medicaid recipients were white, and 58.9% were nonwhite, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. So yes, the Hyde Amendment disproportionately blocks access to taxpayer-funded abortions to nonwhite people.
However, what actually seems to be racist here is repealing the Hyde Amendment — because eliminating it will disproportionately end black and brown lives.
There is already a disproportionate number of minorities killed via abortion in the U.S. each year. In all, 61% of abortions happen to nonwhite babies, according to the Guttmacher Institute. Race shouldn’t necessarily matter here because abortion is wrong no matter what color the baby is. However, abortion in the U.S. disproportionately denies the right to life for nonwhites.
To people such as Pressley and organizations such as SisterSong, that’s somehow a good thing.
Meanwhile, real white nationalists such as Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor are pro-choice. They know the demographic reality of abortion, and because it makes the U.S. less nonwhite, they’re in favor of it — even though it ends human lives.
So, no, pro-lifers are not racist. They understand that killing an innocent human in the womb is wrong. Abortion is the leading cause of death in this country, and they want to prevent it.