Republican National Committee rejects cease-and-desist demand from Trump attorneys

Just a couple of weeks after the Republican National Committee Chair Ronna Romney McDaniels, used RNC resources and assets to endorse and promote the noted anti-Trump Chair of the California Republican Party (she told the L.A. Times that GOP candidates should not even mention President Trump, protected the Trump hating Lincoln Project and more) President Trump had a cease and desist order demanding the RNC not use his name or likeness to raise money.  Where would the money go?  To more efforts by the RNC to elect anti-Trump candidates and to defeat pro-Trump candidates.

Now the Republican National Committee has decided they do not care.  They will try to continue use the former President in their efforts to raise money to support more anti-Trump State GOP chairs and not defend the President.

You can bet Uncle Mitt is really proud of his niece!  It will be interesting to watch this legal fight and if it affects the fund raising of the RNC or the new Trump PAC.

Republican National Committee rejects cease-and-desist demand from Trump attorneys

Shawna Chen, Axios,  3/8/21 

The Republican National Committee dismissed a cease-and-desist demand from former President Trump’s attorneys Monday after Trump’s lawyers told the organization to stop using Trump’s name and likeness, Politico reports.

What they’re saying: The RNC “has every right to refer to public figures as it engages in core, First Amendment-protected political speech, and it will continue to do so in pursuit of these common goals,” chief counsel Justin Riemer wrote in a letter sent Monday afternoon.

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  • The RNC letter highlights Trump’s “close” relationship with RNC chair Ronna McDaniel and states that Trump personally approved the use of his name for fundraising.
  • “The RNC is grateful for the past and continued support President Trump has given to the committee and it looks forward to working with him to elect Republicans across the country,” Riemer wrote.
  • The RNC did not immediately respond to Axios’ request for comment.

Trump attorneys sent a letter on March 5 requesting that the RNC “immediately cease and desist the unauthorized use of President Donald J. Trump’s name, image, and/or likeness in all fundraising, persuasion, and/or issue speech.”

  • It was one of many cease-and-desist demands, which the Trump team sent to GOP committees including the National Republican Senatorial Committee and the National Republican Congressional Committee.

The big picture: Trump worked closely with the RNC during the 2020 campaign, raising over $366 million together, according to Politico.

  • Trump is expected to speak at the RNC’s upcoming donor retreat in Palm Beach, a portion of which has been moved to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club, per the Washington Post.