Ringside: Floating Offshore Wind – An Environmental Catastrophe

Want to harm the environment?  One good way is to allow floating wind turbines in the ocean.

“Last week we examined California’s plans to install between 2,500 and 10,000 floating offshore wind turbines approximately 20 miles off the coast of San Luis Obispo and Humboldt counties. The estimated cost to install 25 gigawatts of capacity, which equates to 10 gigawatts of steady power if adequate storage assets are available, is at least $100 billion. Those costs don’t include the necessary investments in storage assets or additional high voltage transmission lines. Nor do they include the costs to maintain these floating turbines in a hazardous environment.

No other significant energy option costs this much. Even nuclear, at its falsely inflated construction costs, is less expensive. Natural gas electricity generation with CO2 sequestration included is four-times less expensive. Every imaginable “renewable” – solar, geothermal, and onshore wind – is far less expensive. We should not be doing this. It is special interest driven dysfunction at the highest levels of California politics, and it will squander hundreds of billions of dollars.”

If built, due to the cost, most Californians will not be able to afford energy.  This could bankrupt the State as businesses are forced to raise prices or close.  This one project could literally finalize the dath of California as a viable State.

Ringside: Floating Offshore Wind – An Environmental Catastrophe

Direct destruction of our offshore marine environment are not the only environmental impacts of offshore wind

By Edward Ring, California Globe,  8/22/24  https://californiaglobe.com/fr/ringside-floating-offshore-wind-an-environmental-catastrophe/ Last week we examined California’s plans to install between 2,500 and 10,000 floating offshore wind turbines approximately 20 miles off the coast of San Luis Obispo and Humboldt counties. The estimated cost to install 25 gigawatts of capacity, which equates

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