I agree with Biden and Newsom when they say we have a mental health crisis in this nation. This story is proof that academics, journalist and the government are exhibiting severe mental illness. What would you call it when an “educated person” declares that ROADS are racist? No this is not from Babylon Bee or the Onion—it is from racists who are mentally ill.
“What did roads do? Nothing. They’re concrete, they’re flat, and they’re designed for cars. But when dealing with politics, reality does not matter to the left. Calvin Gladney, president of something called Smart Growth America, told MSNBC “we just actually released a report last month, a national analysis of pedestrian fatalities called ‘Dangerous by Design.’ And it shows a particular epidemic of traffic deaths, pedestrian fatalities in this country. And it’s unique to the United States — 6,500 people died in 2020 walking and being struck and killed. Those numbers are a two-third increase over the last decade, and, as a matter of fact, 2021 data showing things are getting worse.”
Roads are “dangerous by design”? Gladney says, “unfortunately, we see disproportionate deaths in black, Latin X, Latino and low-income communities. As a matter of fact, blacks were two times as likely as non-white Hispanics to die while walking in their neighborhoods. So it’s an epidemic that’s having disproportionate effects on black and brown communities.”
MSNBC is being abusive putting on mentally ill racist on the air. Or they are as sick as this person. Oh, being the MSNBC journalist and this racist sick person get to vote. Could that explain the results in 2020?

Derek Hunter, Townhall, 9/6/22
There is literally nothing the Democrat Party won’t declare to be racist. Well, that’s not completely true – they ignore their own history of slavery, fighting for it in the Civil War, creating segregation and Jim Crow laws, and now overseeing a school system that absolutely and completely fails black students in cities they’ve controlled for generations. But other than the racisms they’re directly or indirectly responsible for (which is most, if not all of it), these progressives have itchy trigger-warning fingers when it comes to crying “RACISM!” Those ranting lies and distractions have made their way to our roads.
Who would have suspected that the weekend road trip with friends is almost the modern equivalent of a Klan rally? Of course, real Klan rallies feature a lot of Democrats, whereas your road trip probably involved fun, something Democrats will likely declare to be racist next.
What did roads do? Nothing. They’re concrete, they’re flat, and they’re designed for cars. But when dealing with politics, reality does not matter to the left. Calvin Gladney, president of something called Smart Growth America, told MSNBC “we just actually released a report last month, a national analysis of pedestrian fatalities called ‘Dangerous by Design.’ And it shows a particular epidemic of traffic deaths, pedestrian fatalities in this country. And it’s unique to the United States — 6,500 people died in 2020 walking and being struck and killed. Those numbers are a two-third increase over the last decade, and, as a matter of fact, 2021 data showing things are getting worse.”
Roads are “dangerous by design”? Gladney says, “unfortunately, we see disproportionate deaths in black, Latin X, Latino and low-income communities. As a matter of fact, blacks were two times as likely as non-white Hispanics to die while walking in their neighborhoods. So it’s an epidemic that’s having disproportionate effects on black and brown communities.”
What is unfortunate? That so many people die in general or that not enough white people relative to black people die? You can’t really tell from this discussion, but you can suspect.
The chart flashed on the screen shows the number of traffic-related fatalities per 100,000 showing black people die at the highest rate. Black fatalities were 8.21 per 100,000. For Hispanics, or as Gladney puts it “Latin X,” was 6.81 and evil whitey was 6.33. There was a fourth line in the chart that neither host nor guest acknowledged I’ll tell you about in a minute.
Host Jose Diaz-Balart responds as you’d expect an appendage of the Democratic National Committee to, “I mean, look, I mean, when we look at that graphic, when you look at just the disproportionate number of African Americans — I mean, 8.21 per 100,000 compared to whites at 6.33. I mean, how can this be helped? How can we help fight this?”
Fight what? J-walking?
Curiously, Diaz-Balart skipped right over the numbers for Hispanics – 6.81 per 100,000. Why? The fact that Hispanic pedestrian deaths is roughly that of whites doesn’t help Democrats cry racism, so it is just ignored. Democrats love the “black vs white” narrative for everything, anything that doesn’t help advance that might as well not exist.
That fact brings us to that fourth line in the chart, the one that was never even hinted about by guest or host. It showed the number of pedestrian deaths per 100,000 for Asian Americans. That number was 1.42. Significantly lower than everyone, yet not white. If roads and their design were rooted in racism, how is it Asians managed to escape it? How’d they manage to escape the systemic racism of the education system too, where Asians out-perform everyone?
It’s almost like progressive leftists lie about everything. And the only reason for someone to lie about everything is because the truth does not help them at all, which tells you about all you need to know about them and their ideas.
If these two geniuses cared about saving lives they might have explored, or at least wondered why it is the number of deaths for Asians was so low. It didn’t come up. They might have wondered how racism was responsible for whites and Hispanics having almost the same rate, but it didn’t come up. Doesn’t help Democrats, doesn’t matter. Diaz-Balart just skipped right over it even while it was on the screen.
The simple fact of the matter is Democrats love pitting black people against white people, no matter the issue. If you’re interested in saving lives – and that’s a big “IF” from the left – you might want to spend some time telling people to cross streets at intersections and not to cross against the lights. That’s IF you care about saving lives.
If you want try and help Democrats, ignore all of that and everything inconvenient to your race-based narrative and cry racism. No lives will be saved, but maybe some Democrat politicians will be. And that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?
Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!), host of a daily nationally syndicated radio show, and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.