This is the first time the California Political news and Views has recommended readers listen to a podcast. You have to hear this one. All you should know about fossil fuel vs. the unreliable and limited availability of solar and wind mills. Pass this on to your friends.
Ronald Stein on the Huge Advantages of Fossil Fuels Over Wind/Solar Power, Tom Nelson Podcast

Charles Rotter,, Tom Nelson, 9/20/22
Hopefully, you’ll have time to listen to my one-hour Podcast with Tom Nelson. This Podcast provides a concise lesson on energy literacy through is an outstanding interactive conversations between me and Tom as we discuss the hidden and detrimental consequences of many of today’s green electricity policies.
A summary of the Podcast conversation between Ron and Tom:
The few wealthy countries have short memories of petrochemical products and human ingenuity being the reasons for the world populating from 1 to 8 billion in less than two hundred years. Efforts to cease the use of crude oil will be the greatest threat to civilization, not climate change, and lead the world to an era of guaranteed extreme shortages of fossil fuel products like we had in the decarbonized world in the 1800’s. It can only lead back to shorter life spans, diseases, malnutrition, and weather-related deaths resulting from the elimination of fossil fuels that are benefiting society.
The reasons why subsidized wind and solar electricity are not replacing fossil fuels, is that they can only generate electricity intermittently. Wind turbines and solar panels cannot manufacture anything for society. In fact, all the parts for wind and solar and vehicles are made from the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil. Ridding the world of crude oil would eliminate wind turbines, solar panels and vehicles!
Everything that needs electricity is made with the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil, in an all-electric world there will be nothing to power without oil.
The world leaders are experiencing a “dangerous delusion” of a global transition to “just electricity” that eliminates the use of the fossil fuels that made society achieve so much in a few centuries.
Ronald Stein, P.E. is an engineer and Founder of PTS Advance, drawing upon decades of project management and business development experiences. He is an internationally published columnist, energy expert, and Pulitzer Prize nominated author who writes frequently about all aspects of energy and economics and is a Policy Advisor for The Heartland Institute.
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