Rush Limbaugh Dumps Twitter Just Hours After Trump’s Accounts Are Deleted

Conservatives are dropping Twitter, Facebook and the rest as quickly as possible.  The Cancel Culture has decided to end the First Amendment and our leadership is quiet.

Notice how only a few political leaders are talking about this—and Pelosi, Maxine Waters, AOC and others are applauding the end of free speech.  Those speaking for five million California Republicans have been silent—even though they could be silenced as well.

As long as we are allowed to speak out we should.  I urge the California Republican party to stand up for the First Amendment.  If they won’t, what does they say about the political process?

“Several hit lists filled with the names of prominent conservatives have circulated on the platform, blaming them for inciting the Capitol riot. Michelle Obama also called on Big Tech (see my story nearby) to ban President Trump from all platforms after Wednesday’s riot. It was all cheered on by the Leftist George Soros narrative-setting group Media Matters for America.

On Friday, Facebook also went after Limbaugh, throttling his pages because the zeros and ones in the content-moderating department decided the radio host was purveying fake news.

If the President of the United States can be silenced, if Dennis Prager can be censored by YouTube, then what about the rest of us?

Rush Limbaugh Dumps Twitter Just Hours After Trump’s Accounts Are Deleted

Photo courtesy Fresh Conservative, flickr

By Victoria Taft, PJ Media,   1/9/21      

The iconic radio host has had a presence on Twitter for years, but recently set up a new account that he actively used in the months leading to the election.

On Friday night, this is what the @RealRLimbaugh account looked like:

At first, many people thought that Limbaugh, “America’s Anchorman,” who’s battling terminal lung cancer, was removed from Twitter. But Limbaugh left the platform on his own terms: He deactivated his account.

Indeed, Twitter confirmed that Limbaugh deactivated his account and left the platform.

Listeners to his show know Limbaugh was never a big fan of Twitter. He complained the platform was a distorted kaleidoscope of extremism, virtue-signaling, and false narrative-setting. It was “not real America,” he often said on his show. He believed that a lazy media, dazzled by the platform and their own cleverness, used it as a replacement for talking to real people.

Fill-in for the radio host, Todd Herman, noted to @Jack, the head of Twitter, that poor Rush will have to rely on his 35 million radio listeners to get his message out.

Limbaugh left of his own accord but the organized Left had begun a campaign against him and other conservatives on Twitter and other platforms, as I reported at PJ Media.

Several hit lists filled with the names of prominent conservatives have circulated on the platform, blaming them for inciting the Capitol riot. Michelle Obama also called on Big Tech (see my story nearby) to ban President Trump from all platforms after Wednesday’s riot. It was all cheered on by the Leftist George Soros narrative-setting group Media Matters for America.

On Friday, Facebook also went after Limbaugh, throttling his pages because the zeros and ones in the content-moderating department decided the radio host was purveying fake news.

Leftists who literally asked rioters to hit the streets – looking at you Ayanna Pressley – last summer oddly never quite made it to any hit list. Nancy Pelosi, who couldn’t understand why there wasn’t more unrest in the streets, wasn’t cut off Twitter for inciting riots, either.

No one on the right called for riots. They spent the entire last year calling for an end to riots.

Now Limbaugh’s gone from Twitter and in leaving sent a message to Big Tech that he noticed what they did there. Limbaugh is a huge fan of tech. He often relates what he sees on the tech blogs on his program and is a huge and happy consumer of Apple products, often beta-testing their latest products and giving devices away on his show.

By leaving, he also encouraged other conservatives to leave the platform. Undoubtedly many more will.

Big Tech is purging the conservative voice in America while leaving the Ayatollah death-to-America-toss-gays-from-the rooftop crowd on Twitter.

You break it, you own it.