Sacramento City Attorney Threatens Target it Will Face Fines for Reporting Retail Theft ‘Nuisance Calls’

If you are a convenience or retail store in Sacramento (a war zone) you have a good chance of being robbed.  But the City Attorney does not care about the theft—she is going after you for REPORTING a crime.  This is not a joke, except on the small business owners of Sacramento.

“Think about that – Target reports retail theft to the city of Sacramento hoping for any enforcement, and the city’s attorney gets mad that there are so many “nuisance” calls.

According to the Bee, “city officials threatened the Target at 2505 Riverside Blvd. in the past year with an administrative fine.” This is the Target in my Land Park city neighborhood, which is a target for retail theft (pun intended). This Target, sadly, has been a bit of a s-hole store for three decades. Target attempted to do a massive remodel in the early 2000’s, but the neighborhood association thwarted them at every turn, including demanding outdoor seating for the food court – which at the time consisted of liquid cheese nachos and a soda fountain, on a blighted boulevard.

The Bee reports “The alleged warning issued by Sacramento city officials — and similar actions by other cities across the state — prompted lawmakers to add an amendment to a retail theft bill that would outlaw such threats made by authorities.

Why is California in a DOOM LOOP?  Officials are openly protecting criminals.  Ready to move?

Sacramento City Attorney Threatens Target it Will Face Fines for Reporting Retail Theft ‘Nuisance Calls’

We have officially entered George Orwell’s 1984

By Katy Grimes, California Globe,  7/9/24

The Sacramento City Attorney’s Office has issued a warning to gigantic national retailer Target that it will face fines for reporting so many retail theft incidences.

We have officially entered George Orwell’s 1984.

Think about that – Target reports retail theft to the city of Sacramento hoping for any enforcement, and the city’s attorney gets mad that there are so many “nuisance” calls.

According to the Bee, “city officials threatened the Target at 2505 Riverside Blvd. in the past year with an administrative fine.” This is the Target in my Land Park city neighborhood, which is a target for retail theft (pun intended). This Target, sadly, has been a bit of a s-hole store for three decades. Target attempted to do a massive remodel in the early 2000’s, but the neighborhood association thwarted them at every turn, including demanding outdoor seating for the food court – which at the time consisted of liquid cheese nachos and a soda fountain, on a blighted boulevard.

The Bee reports “The alleged warning issued by Sacramento city officials — and similar actions by other cities across the state — prompted lawmakers to add an amendment to a retail theft bill that would outlaw such threats made by authorities. Pursuing legal actions against businesses for reporting crime brought heavy criticism from law enforcement.”

This is the same City Attorney, Susana Alcala Wood, who rather than working to improve the degraded quality of life of Sacramento residents and taxpayers, asked a Superior Court to dismiss the Sacramento DA’s lawsuit against the City of Sacramento for failing to abate the homeless crisis in the Capitol city by refusing to enforce existing laws. The Sacramento City Attorney called the DA’s lawsuit “deeply flawed.”

District Attorney Ho said Sacramento’s homeless crisis has exploded by more than 250% in just 7 years -– the length of time Darrell Steinberg has been Sacramento Mayor.

“We believe the court will see this and correctly bring an end to a case that can’t hope to achieve anything beyond staggering expense to taxpayers and a drain on both City and court resources,” the City Attorney said.

While city residents make calls (as instructed) to 311 to report open drug use, sidewalks and private property blocked by tents and homeless garbage, harassment, violence and other crimes, their calls go unanswered, or they are told to stop calling 311. Residents even report fires set by homeless.

DA Ho described the treatment by the city as “egregious” and “willful neglect,” and said residents are being treated like second class citizens.

City Attorney Susana Alcala Wood, “received her Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy-Ethics and Public Policy,” her bio states. Practicing some ethics would come in handy right about now. After all, Ms. Wood is a public servant and would serve her city well if she acted like one.

“Retail crime, violence and theft continue to impact the retail industry at unprecedented levels,” the 2023 National Retail Security Survey reports. And three California cities made the Top 10: Sacramento sadly factors prominently coming in at #7 in the nation for organized retail theft. Los Angeles ranks at #1 topping the list, with San Francisco and Oakland coming in at #2, the Globe reported in 2023.

In September, the Globe reported that Sacramento ranked as the 2nd dirtiest city in America, with only Baltimore coming in dirtier than California’s State Capitol in sanitation-related 311 complaints.

As the Globe has consistently and repeatedly reported, this didn’t happen in a bubble. Proposition 47, passed by tragically misinformed voters in 2014, and flagrantly titled “The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act” by then-Attorney General Kamala Harris, reduced a host of felonies to misdemeanors, including drug crimes, date rape, and all thefts under $950, even for repeat offenders who steal every day. Prop. 47 which also decriminalized drug possession from a felony to a misdemeanor, removed law enforcement’s ability to make an arrest in most circumstances, as well as removing judges’ ability to order drug rehabilitation programs rather than incarceration.

Proposition 36, the ballot initiative to reform and “Fix” Prop. 47, which has caused crime to surge throughout the state, will be on the November 2024 ballot.

The Bee correctly surmises, “It’s unclear why City Attorney Susana Alcala Wood’s office would allegedly resort to issuing such a warning to any business seeking help from police.” Especially when Target is the victim, and likely pays among the highest property taxes of any retailer in the City of Sacramento.

The Globe contacted the City Attorney’s office to ask what the legal violation is for reporting so much retail theft? We will report back when we hear from the City Attorney.

Did I already say we have officially entered George Orwell’s 1984?

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