If you are a Jewish student at SD State, you are not safe. The Administration will not protect or defend you. The Governor, by his silence is approving of the violence, bullying and harassment of Jewish students. Oh, if you are a Christian who supports Jews and Israel, you will get the same treatment.
“Mariam Alnajjar of San Diego State University says she was bullied by members of a Middle Eastern club in their group chat for promoting an Israeli speaker who survived the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks.
Some of their messages to her included: ‘Y’all know what [Turning Point USA] is right, she’s brainwashed,’ ‘I bet you she never read the bible ,’ and ‘u know ur weak minded when the shitty israeli propaganda works on u.’”
Why hasn’t the DA opened a hate crime investigation? Why hasn’t California AG Bonta opened an investigation—and denounced this? They are Democrats, so they are afraid the Hamas Wing of the Democrat Party will target them—or, they actually support the Hamas Wing.
EXCLUSIVE: Images show Pro-Palestine group berating student for sponsoring ‘Surviving Hamas Attack’ speaker event
Campus Reform, 12/1/23 https://www.campusreform.org/article/exclusive-images-show-pro-palestine-group-berating-student-for-sponsoring-surviving-hamas-attack-speaker-event/24424
Mariam Alnajjar of San Diego State University says she was bullied by members of a Middle Eastern club in their group chat for promoting an Israeli speaker who survived the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks.
Some of their messages to her included: ‘Y’all know what [Turning Point USA] is right, she’s brainwashed,’ ‘I bet you she never read the bible ,’ and ‘u know ur weak minded when the shitty israeli propaganda works on u.’
On Nov. 12, Mariam Alnajjar, a student at San Diego State University, says she was targeted by members of the Middle Eastern and North African Student Union (MENA) in their official group chat for promoting a virtual speaker event by a Hamas terrorist survivor.
In messages obtained by Campus Reform, MENA members bashed Alnajjar, calling her an “absolute disgrace” and “weak-minded” for sponsoring an Israeli speaker to discuss the recent Hamas attacks.
Alnajjar, an Arab Christian student who serves as president of the SDSU Turning Point USA chapter, invited Amit Musaei to talk about his first-hand experience as a victim of the Oct. 7 massacre at the Nova music festival and Hamas’ terrorism in Israel.
“I want her to wake up to all of [the chats] and re-evaluate her life,” one student commented. Another student sent a photo of a Middle Eastern child at gunpoint, telling Alnajjar, “I think he has a story to tell you”
Another student messaged that Israel’s “apartheid” against Palestinians “is not something that is open for debate,” and blamed Alnajjar for risking Arab and Muslim students’ safety by hosting a virtual “Surviving Hamas Attack” speaker event.
Other responses MENA members posted upon Alnajjar extending an invitation to the event were: “Y’all know what [Turning Point USA] is right, she’s brainwashed,” “I bet you she never read the bible ,” “Jesus (peace be upon him) was born in Palestine,” “It’s really the political Zionist machine that really wants to silence everyone on the Palestinian side including politicians,” and “u know ur weak minded when the shitty israeli propaganda works on u.”
One particular individual remarked, “Western Christians are brain dead there I said it,” “All normal not mentally incapable Arabs stand with Palestine,” and “We need to cancel the next 80 years to talk about surviving Israel’s war crimes,” and “She loves Starbucks for sure.”
“These students are not just openly against spreading the truth about terrorism in Israel, but they’re actually making racist jokes, and calling me ‘white’ when I’m Middle Eastern, like it’s some kind of insult,” Alnajjar told Campus Reform.
Registered student organizations at SDSU are obligated to defend against instances of mental or physical harm due to “racist ideologies” and to “remove the hazard within the club,” as per the MENA constitution. As of now, Alnajjar claims she has been the only member suspended by MENA’s executive board.
Alnajjar also says that MENA removed her from the group chat after the harassment persisted for nearly three days.
“I feel unsafe when I step foot on campus,” Alnajjar said. “You can see the hate in their eyes because I do not believe what they want me to believe, ‘’ she added.
SDSU told Campus Reform that “instances of harassment, discrimination or acts of violence targeting individuals based on their background within our SDSU community will not be tolerated.”
“This incident has left me feeling marginalized and concerned about the lack of condemnation from the university administration,” Alnajjar stated. “The double standard is evident, and it feels like a personal attack … I hope the university takes the opportunity to make things right.”
Campus Reform has contacted MENA for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.