San Fran Charges 26 Pro-Palestinian Activists for Blocking Golden Gate Bridge

In Los Angeles two Pro-Hamas/Nazi “protesters got fined $1.6 MILLION for hateful speech against Jews.  UCLA admits it cost $12 million for the hate riots in support of Hamas/Berkeley said it cost them $8 million to allow hate and bigotry riots on their campus.

Now, it might be possible that 26 haters, supporting Hamas/Nazis could go to jail.  At a minimum it will cost them money, time and disrupt their lives—forever.  Except for the Democrats, who would hire a Jew-hating rioter?

“The District Attorney of San Francisco has filed charges against 26 people, including felonies, for blocking the Golden Gate Bridge in April, causing hundreds of people, including doctors and patients needing care, to be trapped for hours.”

San Francisco Charges 26 Pro-Palestinian Activists for Blocking Golden Gate Bridge

JOEL B. POLLAK, Breitbart,  8/11/24

The District Attorney of San Francisco has filed charges against 26 people, including felonies, for blocking the Golden Gate Bridge in April, causing hundreds of people, including doctors and patients needing care, to be trapped for hours.

As Breitbart News reported in April:

Hundreds of anti-Israel protesters shut down San Francisco’s iconic Golden Gate Bridge on Monday amid a wave of protests springing up around the country.

Viral videos captured the moment as cars started piling up on the bridge, forcing the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to issue a Sig-alert for the southbound direction of the bridge. Two hours later, around 10:30 a.m., the CHP announced on social media that it started making arrests, with 15 people being taken into custody.

D.A. Brooke Jenkins, who was appointed in 2022 after voters recalled far-left Chesa Boudin, filed the charges. Fox News’ Bill Melugin summarized the criminal cases:

There has been very little action taken against anti-Israel protesters across the country; the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, under Assistant U.S. Attorney General Kristen Clarke and Attorney General Merrick Garland, has been silent.

One thought on “San Fran Charges 26 Pro-Palestinian Activists for Blocking Golden Gate Bridge

  1. Charged? The wort they will get is a reduction to a misdemeanor and a lap on the wrist. Who cares about the inconvenience caused to ordinary citizens, doctors and other professionals. The terrorists are more important in California.

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