San Fran Residents Balk at Decision To Scrub Lincoln, Washington, Feinstein from School Names

Finally, some people in San Fran have the guts to speak out against the bigotry and racism of the school district and local government.  The San Fran crazies think Abraham Lincoln did harm to the black race.  That is certifiable crazy.  Then they think the promoter of racist affirmative action policy, Dianne Feinstein is a racist for NOT hating white that are not “of color”.

The New York Times collected comments from some San Franciso parents. “Liberals by definition believe that government can do good things. If we do laughable things then we make a mockery of the movement,” pediatrician and parent Adam Davis, who describes himself as “a strong Elizabeth Warren liberal,” told the paper. “I don’t know anybody personally who doesn’t think it’s embarrassing. [It’s] a caricature of what people think liberals in San Francisco do.”

Noah Griffin told the Times he didn’t object to Lincoln and Washington being excluded, but thinks Feinstein’s name should be able to stay.

A petition to stop the changes has gained nearly 10,000 signatures.”

San Francisco Residents Balk at Decision To Scrub Lincoln, Washington, Feinstein from School Names

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Elizabeth Nolan Brown, Reason, 1/29/21 

Changes to school names in San Francisco have gone too far for even some of the city’s many progressive residents. The changes—which wiped out the names of historical leaders like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Paul Revere, and California Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D) from public school names—earned condemnation from San Francisco Mayor London Breed.

“This is an important conversation to have, and one that we should involve our communities, our families, and our students,” said Breed in a Tuesday statement.

What I cannot understand is why the School Board is advancing a plan to have all these schools renamed by April, when there isn’t a plan to have our kids back in the classroom by then.

Let’s bring the same urgency and focus on getting our kids back in the classroom, and then we can have that longer conversation about the future of school names.

On Tuesday, the San Francisco Board of Education voted 6-1 in favor of the name changes, which affect 44 schools.

School board members said the names being removed from schools were figures who “engaged in the subjugation and enslavement of human beings; or who oppressed women, inhibiting societal progress; or whose actions led to genocide; or who otherwise significantly diminished the opportunities of those among us to the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

“This is a moral message. It’s a message to our families, our students and our community. It’s not just symbolic,” school board member Mark Sanchez said.

A full list of figures removed from school names and the rationale behind those changes can be found here.

The New York Times collected comments from some San Franciso parents. “Liberals by definition believe that government can do good things. If we do laughable things then we make a mockery of the movement,” pediatrician and parent Adam Davis, who describes himself as “a strong Elizabeth Warren liberal,” told the paper. “I don’t know anybody personally who doesn’t think it’s embarrassing. [It’s] a caricature of what people think liberals in San Francisco do.”

Noah Griffin told the Times he didn’t object to Lincoln and Washington being excluded, but thinks Feinstein’s name should be able to stay.

A petition to stop the changes has gained nearly 10,000 signatures.