Go anywhere in San Fran and you can buy a good meal, get your shoes repairs, buy aspirin and lettuce—along with your favorite illicit, dangerous drug like meth, heroin or cocaine. The cops stand by and watch people OD, violate State and Federal law. But, if Musk puts a sing with an “X” to replace his twitter sign, the cops are on him as if he were an international terrorist.
My surprise is why Musk allows this—he could, as he has with many of his other companies, just walk away from California and save himself from the hate and grief of being in a fascist State.
San Francisco investigating Musk’s Twitter HQ after giant ‘X’ installed on roof

BY JULIA SHAPERO, The Hill, 7/29/23 https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4126677-san-francisco-investigating-musks-twitter-hq-after-giant-x-installed-on-roof/
The city of San Francisco has launched an investigation into Twitter headquarters, after a giant “X” was installed on the roof of the building without a permit amid the social media company’s ongoing rebrand.
The “X” was installed on top of the building in downtown San Francisco Friday, after police stopped workers earlier this week from dismantling the Twitter sign on the side of the building, according to The Associated Press. They reportedly lacked the proper permits and had not taped off the sidewalk as a safety measure.
Two new complaints were filed with the San Francisco Department of Building Inspection on Friday, one over the “unsafe condition” of the Twitter sign and another over the installation of the “X” sign.
The “@” symbol of the partially dismantled Twitter sign is “dangling” from the building and “could fall to the public way causing harm to pedestrians,” according to one complaint.
The other complaint noted that a city inspector had visited Twitter headquarters and requested access to the roof, where the giant “X” had been installed, but was denied. A representative with the social media company reportedly told the inspector that the “X” structure was a “temporary lighted sign for an event.”
“A building permit is required to make sure the sign is structurally sound and installed safely,” Department of Building Inspection spokesman Patrick Hannan told The San Francisco Standard. “Planning review and approval is also necessary for the installation of this sign. The city is opening a complaint and initiating an investigation.”
Twitter owner Elon Musk announced the rebrand last weekend, saying that the social media company would “bid adieu” to “all the birds.” The “X” symbol began to appear on the desktop version of the platform on Monday, while the bird has remained the prominent logo on the mobile version.