Scientific ‘Experts’ Are Upset That COVID Vaccine Propaganda is No Longer Working

They want us to take more vaccines.  Yet, they REFUSE to tell us the number of people who died taking the vaccine.  They refuse to tell us the number of people hospitalized due to the vaccine.  Nor will they tell us the number of people with long term conditions due to the vaccines.

When I am asked by a doctor to take the vaccine (which I never have), I asked about the risks and the data.  So far no doctor has them.

“Infectious disease experts say many people are not taking the latest Covid-19 wave in the US seriously enough and are not getting vaccinated or using antiviral drugs when sick, despite a summer wave that was larger and came earlier than anticipated.

Epidemiologists are saying that while symptoms of this wave are more mild than earlier strains, the virus remains a threat – particularly for older adults and people with underlying health conditions.

In response, public health officials are urging people to get a booster now – unless they recently had Covid, in which case they should wait three to four months – and to take a rapid test when sick. And if they have Covid, they should ask their doctors about antiviral treatments.

Lots of experts in this article.  After Googling them, could not find any that talk about risks, risks or hospitalizations.  They promote a drug that has risks and as scientists they refuse to tell the whole truth.

Scientific ‘Experts’ Are Upset That COVID Vaccine Propaganda is No Longer Working

by Ben Kew, The Gateway Pundit,  9/5/24

Infectious disease experts are upset that four years on from the coronavirus pandemic, members of the public are no longer listening to their “recommendations” regarding vaccines and other supposed prevention methods against COVID-19.

According to a report from the leftist The Guardian newspaper, infectious disease experts are complaining that COVID-19 is still a massive threat to the public and people need to continue taking booster vaccines at every opportunity.

The report states:

Infectious disease experts say many people are not taking the latest Covid-19 wave in the US seriously enough and are not getting vaccinated or using antiviral drugs when sick, despite a summer wave that was larger and came earlier than anticipated.

Epidemiologists are saying that while symptoms of this wave are more mild than earlier strains, the virus remains a threat – particularly for older adults and people with underlying health conditions.

In response, public health officials are urging people to get a booster now – unless they recently had Covid, in which case they should wait three to four months – and to take a rapid test when sick. And if they have Covid, they should ask their doctors about antiviral treatments.

The article goes on to quote various infectious disease experts, including Jennifer Nuzzo, an epidemiologist and director of the Pandemic Center at the Brown University School of Public Health, Justin Lessler, an epidemiology professor at the University of North Carolina and Bill Hanage, an epidemiologist at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health.

These experts, many of whom falsely advocated the benefits of mask wearing and denied that the COVID-19 jabs had any serious side effects, are urging people to take the virus more seriously.

While The Guardian urges people to continue taking the COVID jabs, the center-right The Telegraph newsnaper recently admitted that “Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths.

Such headlines vindicate the extensive reporting of The Gateway Pundit, which has repeatedly exposed the potential side-effects and lack of efficacy of the COVID vaccines, as well as the totalitarian methods which the Biden regime and Democratic officials attempted to force it upon the American people.

2 thoughts on “Scientific ‘Experts’ Are Upset That COVID Vaccine Propaganda is No Longer Working

  1. There was so much misinformation and out and out lies told to the public during COVID that the public does not trust anything the experts are saying now. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. The public is saying you fooled me once. No second chance! Read “Personal Opinions of ne Common Man” available online from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Walmart. The soft cover is under $10.

  2. Here is a good reason not to take the Covid vaccines. Based on CDC data the US has had over 1.4 million excess deaths since the rollout of the Covid vaccine. This massive increase in deaths cannot be attributed to the increase in drug, overdoses, homicides and suicides which combined represent only about 10% of these excess deaths. The number of excess deaths now exceeds the total US deaths from all wars and conflicts that the US has fought (1.35 million deaths). The vaccines are killing more people than lives saved.

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